Chin Jealousy?

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
After acquiring Gabby, Tater refuses to come see me. I try to give them both equal amounts of time, but Tater refuses to have anything to do with me now. Is this normal?
It's funny to think that chins have feelings just like us, but they do! I agree with Cathy, just have a little patience and eventually Tater will get over it :)
This is TOTALLY normal! I can't tell you how many times I went through this with my boys. Be sure to lavish Tater with lots of love and attention for the next few days and I am sure he will come around. :)
It happens. Our Zoey is the jealous type. She likes to sit on George's shoulder, and she runs to the cage to give nibbles. However, if she sees him holding another chin, she gives him the evil eye and then the cold shoulder.