Chin jail break

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Richmond Virginia
I moved one of my chins to a new cage this week. He escaped his last cage twice before I put a lock on the door.
Well I find him out of the new cage this morning! Grrrr. He is a real pain to chase down. So he is in his cage locked up now.

Later I walk upstairs with my cup of coffee. I've been working on applewood and have put the dried product upstairs in the hall way in brown paper bags. I look over and notice one of the bags has a hole in the bottom and there is a stick laying outside of the bag. I'm thinking what the heck!!

I then turn to my husband and ask him why the heck the cats would open up the bag and do this. Then I pick up the stick and throw it back into the bag. I look over at the cats bed and there is a stick sitting inside. Now this is crazy I'm thinking.
Then I thought to myself..........WAIT A MINUTE! I pick up the wood stick and its been chewed on. Ah ha!

That little chin boy got out and not only had a huge party in the chin room, but also went upstairs and helped himself to my stash of applewood.
My husband said he heard the noise in the night and was thinking what the heck those cats were doing. I heard it too and I was about to get out of bed and clobber those two.
He's lucky the old gal cats didn't go for him last night. Geez.
Haha, what a sneaky boy! He would have loved having free range of the house, glad he is all safe and sound now and lucky the cats did not get into trouble because of him :p
Or maybe the cats are lucky that he didn't find them. Some chins can be downright aggressive with chinchillas. My poor crosseyed nearsighted Annie would not stand a chance against a chinchilla. She could not catch a mouse, let alone a rat if her life depended on it. She is the queen of leafhunters though and will often very proudly bring a dead leaf or pinecone (they don't move) to the backdoor. If Gracie were to (heaven forbid) get out of her cage and the chinroom, I could imagine her getting Annie cornered, roundhousekicking her and peeing in her face for good measure.
Hey if that is the wood I just bought I want a discount!!! :)

:hilarious: Its only missing one Juanita!

OH my gosh Woman in Show! My chinchilla Jack beat the snot out of my one of my cats one time. Jack was in his playpen and the cat jumped in. I was sitting right next to Jack. I leaped up to get the cat and Jack got to the cat first and black cat fur was falling off all over the place and the cat flew back out of the playpen.

Sadly that kitty is no longer with us. But wow! What a sight that was.
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Hahahah To funny! Not saying we should take chances, but my goodness some of them can be aggressive little buggers! Like I said, poor Annie wouldn't have a chance because with her being crosseyed she wouldn't know which of the two chins she was seeing was the one attacking her.