Chin diarrhea problem

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
It seems my chinchilla has some digestive problems. I noticed it looking a little watery, and becomeing easly squished.

I havnt had any changing in their diet. Same food, same hay. The hay was reaching the bottme of the bag which generaly becomes smaller, thinner peices, but nothing they havnt delt with before.

I gave them fresh food and opened a new bag of fresh hay (same kind) today. Along with cleaning out their water bottles and giving fresh water.

I have to males that live in the same cage. Father and son. I havnt yet determined which one is actuly having the problem. Their in a pretty stress free invoirment, aside from Sophie. And other then the it becomeing watery looking and squishy, nothing else is diffrent. Their both eating noraml as far as i can tell. Both active.

The only thing that has changed recently, Which is not so much a change, rather an increase, is my father male has been much more horney as of late, when he sees his women out to play. (their housed speretly for the last several months.) To the point where hes trying to mount anything with four legs. But diarrhea seems an unusual side effect of being horny.

Theirs a good chance i cant get to a vet anytime soon as well. (being disabled and all) Any ideas or suggestions?
Pull all the pellets and offer only hay for a few days. You can also offer acidophilus in the form of a powder or Bene-Bac (which you can get at a pet store). Activated charcoal also works well to stop diarrhea.

If after a few days the diarrhea doesn't stop, then a vet or at least some stool samples taken to the vet, would be in order.
Bene-bac usually is a gel type form, not a powder, but I suppose the basic premise is the same.

You pull all pellets and allow only hay in the hopes of settling the stomach down with a "bare bones" diet. Lots of roughage and that's about it.
Is thier anything then can be transmitted from one chin to another from a diarrhea problem?

I was planning on trying to move my two 8 week old kits in with their father and brother chin, in jsut a few days. But with this problem developing im a bit hessatent.
Yes, if it is a bacterial or parasitic infection it can be transmitted to other chins. I would not let any other chins come in contact until you have the poop tested to see if there is something going on.

What kind of food do you use? Does the poop look slimy?
would a sand bath effect it at all?
They havnt had one in a little while because one of the kits in the other cage hurt his finger. So i held off on sand while that healed. Its pretty healed now, and their all looking like they could use some sand.
Both my chins had diarrhea not long ago, i had to take them both to the vets for an injection and some antibiotics to put in their water and i also had to seringe feed some antibiotics aswell. It cleared up pretty quicky and the vet said it was a bacteria probably caused by them eating something they shouldnt have.
A dust bath is not going to affect diarrhea at all. If you give them baths, do not use the same dust for all of the chinchillas since that can actually cause a spread from one chinchilla to all of your chinchillas