Chin Care While Pregnant

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I know this is a little odd of a question but my husband and I are trying to conceive our second child. I was wondering is there any things I should avoid doing(i.e-have my husband do) with my chinchilla? I know that you shouldn't touch cat feces when pregnant, is there any dangerous like that with chinchillas?
Like I said it's a bit of a weird question but I can't seem to find any information about it anywhere. Thanks for any help anyone can give me :)
I believe they are fine..but hey if you can get him to make him clean cages LOL, just so you don't have too....
You can continue to do everything normally while pregnant that you do when not. There is nothing toxic about a chin that would harm you or your soon to be conceived bebbie.

I will say though, sometimes when you are pregnant your body gets all whonky, and where dust might not have bothered you before, it will bother you massively. Or, maybe it will be shavings. You just never know. So if something does bother you, just pass that on to hubby until after the new little one arrives. :)
Thank you so much!
Like I said I could not find any info about it and I don't know why but I'm a little paranoid about anything going wrong this time around lol. I feel much better now though :)