chin biting and scratching

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My chin has always performed the usual grooming techniques, but recently I have noticed that she scratches her ears frequently like a dog with her hind legs. The backs of her ears are pink and chafed while a small patch of fur appears to be missing (very very small) nothing too alarming but should I be concerned? What should I do? Also she twists back and "bites" her fur, but their are no patches missing and all appears to be fine yet I can't shake the feeling that something just isn't right...any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Does the area look red and flaky? If so, your chin might have ringworm. If not, it could just be dry skin. How often and for how long do you give dust baths?
Honestly, aside from the irritation you've seen behind her ear that sounds like normal grooming to me. I only have one chin and not for very long, but she scratches her ears like a dog and turns her head to groom her back and sides. She isn't biting her skin, it's like when cats groom themselves and bite their fur to lick it and kind of comb it out. Hopefully a more experienced member will chime in but the behaviour sounds non-worrisome. I would be concerned with her ears being red and dry. Chins get dry skin sometimes but if it's just a patch of it, that could mean something more serious. I would agree with Cuddlebug on that one. Is the patch on both ears in the same place?
Yes the patch is on both ears, but I'm almost positive it's not ringworm...I can usually tell when my chin needs a dust bath because her fur gets "shiny" so I give her one every three-four days for about 5-10 min each that right? I also watched her groom and think that she isn't biting her skin but maybe is just "combing" her fur...again no missing you think her ears are dry? Should I apply an ointment? Thanks for all of your help!:)
Sounds like you are doing fine with the dust baths. You could try putting Bag Balm or vitamin E oil on the ears and see if that helps. If it doesn't, you might want to get it checked by a vet. often would I apply the cream? I was looking at her coat and ears and i'm pretty sure that the irritation behind her ears is from the scratching...hopefully the cream will help!!!:)
Massage it in a couple of times a day and it should get rid of the dryness (and the need to scratch that goes along with it).