Chin always watching out of window

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Supporting Member
Jan 30, 2022
My Chin Chinzia has her cage on the second floor of the house with windows all around to look out of. She is almost always looking out the windows from her cage when awake. Does anyone know how far a Chin can see?
I'm not sure there has ever been a study on how far they can see, but are likely fairly short sighted. Purely guessing but I think maybe a couple meters (roughly as far as they can jump) before it's just a complete blur of color and light. A study of their eye structure found they lack the part in the eye that humans have that helps with fine detail, so their vision isn't great, and they rely on sound and smell much more then sight.

However just because stuff is blurry doesn't mean it's not amusing to look at. I know a lot of chins love watching tv, and some people even put on "cat tv" videos on YouTube for their chin to watch when they aren't home if they don't have a window to look out. I actually tried one other night, a live stream of birds and squirrels in different areas , and my chin was captivated by watching the animals on the screen. My not sure what exactly he was seeing but my computer is about 5ft from the front of the cage and that seems to be close enough for him (and my previous two chins) to be entertained by watching the screen.