chin acting 'different'

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2009
since i got out of work today about 7 hours ago, my mama chin has been acting very odd.
-her ears are extremely light, white almost (she is beige). I know it is bad when they are red because it means overheating but they are normally light pink
-i noticed she has been itching her nose. (she has possible ringworm right now, i have been treating her with tinactin in her dustbath, she hasnt reacted badly to it at all since i started a week ago)
-every night around 830 after they wake up and eat, i usually let them run around. the mom hasnt left the cage except twice, she ran out faster than ive ever seen her run, and once she ran into the coffeetable.
-she is sitting with her head cocked, kind of staring past me. she doesnt react when i reach my hand in.
she has been eating normally and drinking water, it isnt too warm in her room.

all i can think is either a) she is sick b)her ringworm itch is bothering her badly? c)her wheel broke 3 days ago so her only exercise is 2 hours playtime at night, maybe shes restless??

any advice? her head is very tilted and she is just staring. maybe not a big deal just odd to me.

here is a picture i took of her expression.
I'm not an expert with chin health as I've been in general pretty lucky, but a head tilt can indicate an inner ear infection.

Especially if you notice her acting off, something very well could be wrong. Your best bet is to take her to the vet.