Chilli update

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
We will go back to the vet for a check up in about 3 weeks if everything keeps going as it is now. I am trying to get to 3 months between filings if possible, but we will just have to wait and see. He is eating on his own. His weight is still lower than I would like, but he is at 615, compared to 628 when all of this first started, so I would like to see about another 20 grams on him. But, for the first time in a long time, he took a nibble ring and ate ALL of it. For a while he was flat out refusing them. So that makes me feel like we finally turned that corner for the good.
Question about puffed pellets:
Chilli is supposed to eat as much hard stuff as we can get him to. If I give him puffed pellets, then will that negate the wearing quality of pellets?
the puffed pellets are to be used to get a chin who is not eating pellets at all (usually due to mouth pain) to start eating again. once they are eating on their own, than you can switch back to the regular pellets. if he isnt eating as much of the regular pellets, than i dont think there is much harm in offering the puffed pellets if he seems to like them more??
I would think you would want to get him back on regular pellets, if all he needs is regular trimmings. I think feeding the puffed will only cause the filings to be closer together. Is he eating hay as well?
He has only been getting regular pellets and hay, and a few treats. I was just wondering if I could get some weight on him with the easier to eat puffed pellets. BUT I don't want him to get lazy and only eat the easy stuff.
The only thing I used when Petra was a little under weight was a pinch of old fashioned oats either mixed into her pellets or out of my palm. Put the right amount of weight back on her with out being bad for her. And it counts as a treat.