Play Do----the real brand name one. I have to smell it!! And have taught my granddaughter to always smell the Play Do, too.
Crayolas----Must be Crayola brand. I love to smell them, too. So does my granddaughter.
Riding a bike.....very fun for me.
I love wearing t-shirts and jeans. My father 'scolds' me all the time for not dressing like a grown woman. In fact, I just got a very bright tye-dyed t-shirt and my kids rolled their eyes at me.
Playing with my animals. My Mother always thought I should have outgrown that, too.
I also like having the 'latest item'. Whether it be a new food, new toy (for the granddaughter), new laundry detergent, etc. My kids always laugh at me because I'll see a commercial for some new product and I'll search the stores until I find it.
When my kids were young, they were my excuse to continue to act young. I was just 'playing with the kids'. It's what good Mom's did, right? Now I have the excuse of my 3 year old granddaughter. We sit and color together, make 'snakes' with Play Do, blow bubbles, catch lightening bugs, etc.
And yes, I agree with pranks, too. We're always pranking each other at work. When someone goes to the bathroom, we hold the door shut so they can't open it when they want to come out. We dance and sing around work, too, even if we have no talent for either. We scare each other as we come around a corner, hide each other's lunches, etc. We are soooo immature but we are very close and open with each other. My co-workers are like my siblings or children, depending on their age in relation to mine.
And Alli, I challenge you to a water gun fight! I'll have to go out and buy the latest in water guns, first, though. :rofl: