Childish things you still love as an adult?

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Here are some of mine:
Grape Soda!
Grape and Cherry Koolaid
Cotton Candy
Halloween costumes and Trick or Treat
Mine are
Halloween, everything about it, from costumes to dressing up the outside of house.
Pranks, Nothing serious but just the innocent ones that make you laugh.
Candy cigarettes
Dressing up the animals in cute clothes. Back then it was childish, now everyone does it!
Just to name a few:
Adams family show
Mallow cups
A birthday cake every year
Skipping stones on top the water
Getting a gum ball out of a machine
Stickers, sweet things (bubble gum, candy, koolaid, etc), stuffed animals, flavored lip balm (aka lipcrack), frosted animal crackers, pudding... guess that's about all I can think of
oo Cotton candy for sure!
those 25 or 50 cent machines, I love getting those sticky things or bouncy balls!
Playmobil toys
I really wanna have a water gun fight, but I don't have anyone to go against lol!
cute stuffed animals
Going to the zoo!
eating any kind of sugary cereal
playing with dolls (I still get too for at least a couple of more years, yay!)
HUGE birthday parties with LOTS of balloons and cake!
pop rocks
Chuck-E-Cheese :D
Captain crunch
Stuffed animals
Fruit Stripe Gum
Those soaps with the little toy inside.
The zoo
Temporary tattoos.... even though I have 3 real ones :)
Fun hair barrettes and scrunchies and clips...even if they are bright purple or yellow or orange...
Animal crackers...
Flavored lip gloss...
The color pink (and purple)...
Lots and lots of stuffed animals stuck to everything...
Collecting pretty rocks...
Benji movies (yeah, I know)....
I forgot suckers! I love tootsie pops--especially grape and watermelon suckers too!
Play Do----the real brand name one. I have to smell it!! And have taught my granddaughter to always smell the Play Do, too.

Crayolas----Must be Crayola brand. I love to smell them, too. So does my granddaughter.

Riding a bike.....very fun for me.

I love wearing t-shirts and jeans. My father 'scolds' me all the time for not dressing like a grown woman. In fact, I just got a very bright tye-dyed t-shirt and my kids rolled their eyes at me.

Playing with my animals. My Mother always thought I should have outgrown that, too.

I also like having the 'latest item'. Whether it be a new food, new toy (for the granddaughter), new laundry detergent, etc. My kids always laugh at me because I'll see a commercial for some new product and I'll search the stores until I find it.

When my kids were young, they were my excuse to continue to act young. I was just 'playing with the kids'. It's what good Mom's did, right? Now I have the excuse of my 3 year old granddaughter. We sit and color together, make 'snakes' with Play Do, blow bubbles, catch lightening bugs, etc.

And yes, I agree with pranks, too. We're always pranking each other at work. When someone goes to the bathroom, we hold the door shut so they can't open it when they want to come out. We dance and sing around work, too, even if we have no talent for either. We scare each other as we come around a corner, hide each other's lunches, etc. We are soooo immature but we are very close and open with each other. My co-workers are like my siblings or children, depending on their age in relation to mine.

And Alli, I challenge you to a water gun fight! I'll have to go out and buy the latest in water guns, first, though. :rofl:
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Smelling markers.. All kinds the scented, unscented, permanent, highlighters, dry erase(I get in trouble for smelling these)

Coloring books and crayons. If I go to a restaurant with menus for kids that you can color on I always demand I get one. I was told once that I couldnt have one because I was too old and had to ask for the manager and asked why they allowed their employees to practice ageism. (i.e. pitch a fit.. like a child... so I guess that goes here too!)

Water balloon fights.

Laying outside watching clouds go by and trying to figure out what they look like.

Lick and stick tattoos.

Playing tag.. although I play with the dogs now rather than actual humans.
stuffed animals
laying on the ground, looking up at the clouds
80's music
board games
I have a son who I love to play with and my favorite toys are Legos and Transformers (I rock at transforming them) but I also love animals so I have my own Littlest Pet Shop collection to play with because even though he plays with me it's not cool for a boy to own them :D. I also have some Polly Pockets that are mine, mine, mine! I am all about the candy as well but I don't think it's childish, just yummy ;). I love stuffed animals too (only the fake kind lol).
Archie comics! When I'm sick, nothing beats curling up on the couch with a hot cup of tea and a stack of Archies.
Little Debbie Snack Cakes
Kentucky Fried Chicken's Strawberry Shortcake Parfaits
Small town 4th of July parades
Stuffed animals
Cotton Candy
Chocolate Pudding
Blowin' bubbles ..gum or soapy.. either one!
Pixar, Disney, etc. movies...
Crayola Crayons
Sidewalk Chalk
Jumpin' in puddles.. runnin' through the lawn sprinklers...
Water fights.. guns, balloons, pitchers.. whatever! Hubby is still game, too!
Catchin' bugs and slitherin's ..and putting them in my pockets!

I'll never grow up... :tease:
Practical jokes - Like the one I said about taping the sprayer open on the kitchen sink!
I still love 'em!!