Chewed Plastic Bag

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2014
When I got home from work I seen that a plastic bag (100% recycled plastic bag) was right next to the chinchilla cage and some was inside the cage. The window or fan might have blown it near them.

I'm not sure how much the 3 girls each ate of the bag. But a good amount was eaten.

If anyone could give me quick advice please do so.
Called vet they told me to wait 12 hours to see if they aren't pooping or acting the same. Then make a appointment tomorrow if it is worst. But was okay to rush them in if necessary.
I'd keep a very close eye on them. Problems sometimes don't show up until 24hrs later. I'd probably still make an appointment for tomorrow, just to be safe. My boys had eaten part of a hay bag (my fault I left it within reach on accident, and I still feel horrible about it) and thankfully they were fine. Hopefully your girls didn't ingest much of it, and it's just chewed up and hidden somewhere in the cage (my boys did that). Best wishes and good luck!
I even had to call out of work for tomorrow, I hope this is a good excuse for them. Because vet told me to watch them for 12 hours. But if 24 hours pass by they pretty much would be okay. But like you said they might show signs after it. So far we got them out 1 by 1 in their carrier to see if they weren't pooping. But so far its normal. They are eating good, and we took them out to play and they were running/jumping around fine.

We searched their cage and no signs of the plastic bag pieces in there. We suspect that they all had a piece of the bag, and didn't really like it. Since they weren't chewing the bag when I got home from work. But what worries me most is that one of them could've ate the whole thing (which I highly doubt).
So far the girls are okay. I took them out to play again the one seemed okay with her pooping the other 2 not so much. But I'm starting to think depends on the time its only 2pm here they are usually sleeping. Anyways I booked a appointment and my job was okay with me taking the day off.

Not sure if I should bring all 3 for a emergency vet appointment or just 1-2 of them. It's quite a bit of money just to see them for the emergency appointment x3 if I have to. I was hoping if they sort of gave me some medicine for them to take all 3 of them could take them as well to help digest it better (which I heard).

Let me know what you think.