Cheerios- To give or not to give

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New member
Oct 25, 2013
I keep seeing conflicting info on the use of Plain Cheerios.
My chinchilla is obsessed. When I first got him, everything I read said cheerios were fine. Now I'm seeing conflicting information.
Because I thought they were ok, I let Oliver have them.
His main diet is Oxbow, Timothy Hay, with some rose globes and dandelions once a week. I only let him have Cheerios if he has eaten all his oxbow, to prevent selective feeding. Oliver recently had a healthy pet vet visit and was declared fine. No bloat, diarrhea, or constipation.

So, definitively: what's the deal with whole grain cheerios?

I have no problem not giving him any, but I want to know why and how this conclusion was reached. On either opinion-- pro or anti cheerio.

Thank you in advance.
You can give a cheerio now and then. As with any treat, it shouldn't be given every day and one at a time is plenty. Cheerios sound good, but if you read the box, they have quite a bit of sugar in them (unless you get the organic, they are less). If you are giving dandelions and rose globes (not sure what those are, but I assume rosehips?) that is really all the treats he needs.

The conclusion was reached, I would assume, because cheerios are not part of a normal chins diet and is necessary only for the owner to feel good, not for the chin's health.
I still recommend plain Cheerios to my customers as a treat so I would say the same to you. BUT if you're giving other edible type treats that are better for the chin then there really is no need. While treats are not for a chinchillas physical health, the same as with any animals I imagine they enjoy it mentally :) a boost in their day. Sparingly is the key!
I rotate treats betweeen the following: 2 - 3 plain cheerios, 2 - 3 plain shredded wheats, 2 -3 goji berries, & unlimited sticks, once a month I do give them 1 raisin.
I give plain shredded wheat myself. As long as you don't give your chin a ton of Cheerios, you should be ok, but I find shredded wheat to be more safe.