Checking chin teeth

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Mischki is here!
Aug 4, 2009
Northwest Indiana
I'm new to I have no clue how to check my chin's teeth. If anybody has any links or instructions, it would be very helpful!! Thank you!! :D

(All I know is you have to check them, but I have no clue how to do so)
Well, for the most part, people don't actively check all of their chin's teeth. The back molars would be hard to see without the help of a vet.
You can see their incisors though when they chew on a stick or yawn. That's the easiest way to see them. Just wait until you catch a glimpse of them, they should be dark yellow/orange, not white.

If your chin doesn't mind having it's chin scratched you can feel along their jaw and if you do it often enough, you'll be able to feel any abnormalities should they arise, like a bump which may indicate roots elongating.

I know that you can open a chin's mouth to see the incisors, but I wouldn't do that to my girls. You can just see their front teeth normally every once in a while.
I've seen gizmos teeth the other day...and he looks bucked tooth..thats all I could think of. His top teeth hang over his bottom teeth quite a bit. Is this normal?
Ok good! I always heard the teeth should be aligned and all, wasn't sure if it applied to those teeth as well. Thanks! :)
I usually just catch a glimpse when feeding them. They also like to groom and nibble so I can kinda check things that way as well as feeling their jaw line. If you absolutely need to check incisors you can burrito them carefully and gently to get a quick look, but as long as you are giving your chin plenty to chew on and good hay, there should be no reason why you should regularly have to check their teeth.

As said, the main problem teeth are the molars, and there is no way you can check those without a vet or a very patient chinny.
I can do it without burritoing anyone. It's not too hard, but you have to be patient and understand how to hold a chin on its back without hurting him. I do this all the time, so it's pretty easy for me after all this time, of course.