Chattering teeth/New noises

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Crazy for all Chinchillas
Jan 17, 2013
:hello5: I got my 2 chinchillas 2 weeks ago and I have some questions.

First is that one of my chinchillas Tesser seems to think hes safe in his enviorment but I don't know what these new sounds mean? The sound kind of sounds like ck ck ck ck, but he only does it when I try to give him scritchies?

Second Tesser chatters his teeth sometimes, I have heard that it could be that they are mad or that they want to eat somthing. I don't know which one to believe? :banghead:

I hope these questions lead to good things and not mean I'm doing somthing wrong with him. My other chinchilla Dodge seems to be doing fine, so I wonder if its just that Tesser is saying that hes boss but I want him to know I'm boss.

Thank you all!:)

My 2 chinchillas Tesser :chin4: and Dodge :chin:.
The kacking is his way of telling you to stop what you are doing. He does not like it. Teeth chattering usually means that they are irritated or angry with something. If your chin needs to chatter his teeth to get fed, you are not feeding him enough. Chinchillas should be free fed both pellets and hay. that means that they should have some in their cages at all times.