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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
Northeast US
Ok, so for christmas since my brother and I are getting a bit older our parents have decided to let us pick a couple charities that they will donate to on our behalf. At first I was all excited, it kind of felt like I was shopping haha, but with finals on the way I just haven't gotten around to pick my charities.

I want to donate to animal-related charities. I thought ASPCA, but I have a moral opposition to euthanizing animals for space (though I understand it) and may not feel comfortable knowing "my" (as in my present) money will go to it.

So, what do you think are the best animal charities to give to--and chin one's would be appreciated as well!! (does the forum count as a charity?!?! hehe)
Could you find some local No Kill shelter to donate too?
and Bravo to you for thinking of the animals!
There are a lot of horse rescues all around the US that are in desperate need of money (though pretty much anyone is). They have more horses than ever because of the elimination of slaughter houses. Add to that the fact that horses can live quite a long time!
SG--yes, I can always do that I was just wondering if anyone knew of any specific charities or chin charities that I couldn't think of. I was thinking a chin rescue near me and maybe another rescue or a bigger animal welfare organization. It's so hard to choose!!!

Alicyn--I didn't think about the slaughter house aspect. I wouldn't mind giving to an organization that works with any animal, really.

I guess, really, I can't lose because either way it's a giving money to a good cause but I a am super indecisive person!
Any way you cut it - it'll be a good deed! And an excellent idea by your parents!

I can't wait till I have an income other than loans so I can do more, for now I just help out with free labor.
Nikki--that organization looks pretty sweet. I am not vegan and don't plan on being vegan anytime in the future but I know farm animals are treated horrendously and have always been severely bothered by that.

Although, they're defintion of vegan was funny:
Vegans don’t eat any animal products at all — no milk, no eggs, no cheese. Most choose not to wear animal products like leather, wool or angora. They are mostly from Saturn and Pluto, and have plans for world domination sometime soon.

Christina--yea, I am looking into it. I know of a couple in connecticut but I'm not sure I know of any in MA. But I don't really care what state it's in. I have a feeling one of my choices is going to have to be a chin one just due to my bias for chins, heh.

They took in the worst of the Bad Newz kennel (Michael Vick) dogs. They took in rescues from Hurricane Katrina. They've railroaded over a thousand dogs out of puppy mills to homes in LA and NY. They cleared out one of the worst 'cat rescue gone bad' situations reported in the state of Nevada. They've rescued and rehabbed dozens of horses, pigs, and other farm animals. They rehab and release wildlife. They've got one of the largest rescue parrot aviaries I've ever seen. And what I like best, they reach out to other organizations to help them go from "kill for space" to a true wellbeing euth. only organization. This is where my money (when I have extra) goes. Animal Sponsorship starts at $25, and right now, all gifts by regular donors are being matched by a few anonymous "special" donors, so a single sponsorship gets the sanctuary $50 instead. :D
Although, they're defintion of vegan was funny:
Vegans don’t eat any animal products at all — no milk, no eggs, no cheese. Most choose not to wear animal products like leather, wool or angora. They are mostly from Saturn and Pluto, and have plans for world domination sometime soon.

oh my that is too funny!!
I'm not sure of one exactly, but a lot of sanctuaries and such will let you sponsor an animal if you like that. You get a pictures and stuff for paying so much per months to the sanctuary, :)
UMMMM, Menagerie here is a rescue and I am sure she can use the money.
Thanks, Dawn.

We are a 501(c)3, so any contributions are tax deductible. We currently have 30 chins in our (my) care. We specialize is small furry exotics, in addition to chins we rescue guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, hamsters and mice. If you choose us as your charity and want your donation to specifically go to the chins, please include a note.
I was told yesterday that Wee Companions received a donation as a Christmas gift for someone's daughter. Since we weren't near the records with specific names, I'm going to assume that was Caiti and her parents. Thank you so much for thinking of us. Donations are always appreciated.
It was a small donation, but yes that was likely me. I picked you guys and a local animal shelter. My mom decided to make the local shelter donation a recurring monthly one, because she loves supporting local places. Consequently, your donation was smaller, but I guess it's better than nothing ;)

It was super hard choosing. Harder than choosing what gifts I would have wanted to get, actually. In the end I figured whatever I chose I couldn't really go wrong with.
It was an honor to be chosen. Donations of any size are always appreciated.

Thanks again.