charger got caught by the cat claw

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
Hi guys. My roommate recently got two cats who stay in his big bedroom. Just this evening it became clear that they can fit their paws under the door when during playtime a nail caught chargers lip. He seemed to have a little hole next to his tooth and there was a good amount of blood for a moment. It stopped quickly but I am currently in the waiting room at the e vet anyway for anti biotics and pain meds if needed. I know to watch eating drinking and poops. I am just nervous about him he has never been hurt before. Just looking for support and helpful information I guess

I spoke to my chin guru right away and got some good info from her and am feeling alright but you all are so supportive. Thank you in advance
Just keep an eye out that he also stays alert. I don't shock would happen on something like that but I am not a vet.

Good Luck!!! I hope he feels better soon.
Thanks so much guys. As per the vets directions we have daily 0.2mL metacam and 0.5ml of baytril daily. If anyone knows if these are at all strong please let me know, as he gets his first dose tomorrow
aww poor guy. My chin has been attacked by my cat before too. He had several scratches and puncture wounds on his tail. I honestly, cannot remember the dosages that my vet gave to me for the metacam and baytril but both are correct things to use I know.. Cat scratches are very dangerous for chins so a high dosage of baytril is necessary the vet told me...but like I said, I cannot remember the dosage that was given. But gizmo pulled through great as im sure yours will to. Just keep an eye out for him. Hope he feels better soon!!!
Oh dear! I hope he gets better soon. I am so happy my cats have never bothered with my chins. :(

Best wishes from me, Furby and Ralphy!
I've had birds on both before and neither dose seems high to me but I am not an expert. I also think it was wonderful that you went to the vet as it shows your love for Charger. Edgar and I will continue to keep you in our thoughts.
metacam and 0.5ml of baytril daily. If anyone knows if these are at all strong please let me know, as he gets his first dose tomorrow

Is that really 0.5ml or 0.05? Is it cat or dog Metacam?

The usual dose of Metacam (dog) is 0.03-0.05ml once daily - this equates to 1 drop. The usual dose here is 0.3mg/Kg
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Unfortunately, the emergency vet was very wrong about the dosage and my regular vet, who I rushed in to see, told me to lower it quite a bit. I feel better about that

He is very sleepy and resting but he is munching here and there. If tomorrow he hasnt eaten more I am going to start with critical care because I dont know that he is eating enough to sustain his movement.

Thanks for the support guys
You do need to get a probiotic into him spaced out from the baytril since the baytril will also kill of gut bacteria. And try to give him a rolled oat or something small like that after the baytril to get rid of the bad taste of it.
This may sound weird. but what flavor of baytril is he on? Gizmo was prescribed the pink (raspberry) and he hated it!! made him eat less, and was impossible to give to him.. so I talked to my vet and got a different flavor..the yellow one which is banana. He LOVES it..and eats just fine while he is on it. If he isnt eating much, maybe its due that to that?
As far as dosing goes, it's more important to compare mg/kg than simply how many mL they get. One dose may look bigger but actually be less concentrated.

If you are giving probiotics (and I don't know what kind is best), make sure to give it to them many hours away from when you give the antibiotic, or it won't do any good. The exotic vets at my vet school made a lovely "poop slurry" out of fresh healthy chin droppings and fed it to a sick chin to replace the natural microbes.
This may sound weird. but what flavor of baytril is he on? Gizmo was prescribed the pink (raspberry) and he hated it!! made him eat less, and was impossible to give to him.. so I talked to my vet and got a different flavor..the yellow one which is banana. He LOVES it..and eats just fine while he is on it. If he isnt eating much, maybe its due that to that?

It is the rasberry and he actually is better with that than the metacam.

I suppose he would like banana better.

Does anyone know how many mL he should be taking of food? we are syringe feeding him and he only took 6ml at a time twice today. He isnt eating AT ALL on his own :(
You should try hard to get at least 24ml of prepared Critical Care into your chinnie (according to my vet for an average weighted chin) but more is even better according to many experienced people on this board. I feed my girl 4 times a day when she needs to be handfed. Some days I can get the 24ml, some days more, some days less. Try to do 4 feedings and get that 6ml at least into your chinnie and more if you can at each feeding, it's hard but you can do it!
My one girl loved the metacam. I think she had flavored stuff though. She sucked it down.

The other one I have hand fed after a tooth filing(sadly is starting to look like she might need another one but at least its been a year). The critical care also depends on how thick or thin you chin prefers it. I watered mine down a little bit more and she was much more willing to have it. Just be careful to not drown during feedings. I tried for 10 ml each feeding, but sadly only usually managed 3 a day so some were more than that.

I just remembered after the baytril I always took a little water to immediately flush out the taste. That seemed to help mine. It wasn't much I used, but again be careful about how much. I always put the tube into the cheek and went slowly. The food I could see it sit there. Then I pulled out the syringe to let her swallow. The water was the slowest thing i could manage.
Thanks so much .. we got 24 ml into him today. He took 12ml this evening. I feel so terrible for him...his mouth is SO swollen... im getting worried about breathing... he has been to the vet twice now and they are saying continue the antibiotics. Do you think with the swelling I should take him again? It looks like his cheeks swelled around his teeth :( and it must be SO painful to eat even with the pain meds

Please help
You try to figure out a way to ice down his cheeks maybe? Not just ice, but maybe stick a dry wash cloth in the freezer and use it as a cool compress that won't leak moisture onto his fur.