charcoal do i do it?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
well if you dont already know, gizmo has bacteria in his intestines and has had Squishy poos for about 2 weeks now.:hair: hes on meds- ive been giving him shredded wheat biscuits but i just got charcoal cobs in the mail today. I'm not sure what to do with them- :hmm:

With the bacteria, is it safe to give them to him?
They are about medium I give the whole thing to him?
Do I keep it in the cage 24/7 and let him chew it when he wants?
Can I give him one daily? if not, how many times in one week?
I have never heard of charcoal cobs before but I am assuming it is charcoal in a bite-size form...

Activated charcoal is an adsorbant which means that it will bind things to itself. In the digestive tract, it can bind with toxins produced by detrimental bacteria so that they no longer can affect the tissues and then the bound charcoal-toxin will be passed in the feces. However, charcoal can bind with beneficial things as well (vitamins, other nutrients, even the medication!) and I would not give it directly after administering medication nor would I give it regularly long-term.

When I give charcoal, I only give it once or twice a day and sprinkle it on top of a moistened shredded wheat (I buy the activated charcoal in capsules and just pop open a capsule when I need to use it). I suppose since yours is in a solid form, you can offer it between medication doses.
I wouldn't be surprised if the chins don't eat the charcoal cobs. Charcoal tastes gross, so you usually have to hide it by offering it on a treat. Like Sumiko said, I take the charcoal capsules, break them open, and sprinkle them on top of bite size shredded wheat. My chins devour it and don't even seem to notice the charcoal.

What kind of bacteria does Gizmo have and what kinds of medications is he taking?
im not sure of the bacteria name, the vet didnt tell me. He had coccidia and a yeast problem 3 weeks ago. The vet told me that because of the parasite he has a 'massive overgrowth of bacteria' . He is on tribessen (sp?) and bene- bac every 12 hours. He has less than a week left on the meds but still isnt showing many signs of improvent. Come monday its been a whole month that he's been on the meds. Is this common with bacterial infections? It seems like an awful long time.
I'd be concerned that the "massive overgrowth of bacteria" is giardia. Is that maybe what the vet said?

As far as the charcoal, as suggested I would try to camouflage it by putting on a shreddie, or maybe in a little bit of canned pumpkin. You could also try a teeny bit of plain yogurt as long as it's not right when he's getting antibiotics. The yogurt will help the good bacteria build up and if he has a yeast problem it should help clear that up.
The vet didnt say. She said that its seen alot after parasitic infections and its fairly common. I asked two other vets today and they both told me it can take awhile for it to clear up completely. I just wish my poor guy would get better. Breaks my heart to see him like this.