Changing Hays

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I know that you have to slowly change a chins pellet diet, but do you also have to slowly change their hay diet?
Not as much. The only thing that I always watch for with chins coming here is that they do not gorge themselves on hay right away. It isn't a gradual change that you would really need to do, but just give them a little more hay every day until you can work up to free feeding (if that's what you like to do) or up to the normal amount that you like to feed everyone.
Okay, because I just got my chins yesterday, and I was given a starter kit with hay but I didn't know if my pet store had the same brand.
I give my boys a mix of hays a couple of times a week just for variety. You don't have to but thats just what I do for them. The staple hay should be timothy hay.
I like to give them different types of hay every other day. The chins like their timothy days, but burmuda days are pretty good, too. :) The different textures of hay get different levels of chewing intensity going, so it's great to give out a variety if you can. But, timothy is a great every day hay, too. :)