changing from bowl to water bottle??!

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okay well my baby boy has a bad habit of knocking his water dish over so i decided maybe a water bottle is the way to go. he is seven weeks old and has been using the dish for the last couple days. so i didnt wanna just yank the dish out and switch cause i wasnt sure how he would respond. so i put both in. he hasnt even acknowledged the water bottle and just uses his dish. should i take the dish out and force him to get used to the bottle or just forget the bottle idea and keep an eye on his water?? thanks guys
Bowls are far better for a hedgehog. They can break teeth on bottles and hedgie teeth do not grow back. They also drink more water when using a bowl as it is easier for them to drink from.
Keep the water bowl. You may need to find other methods to keep him from dumping it. If he is young and new to you, he is likely still figuring things out and may need more time to settle down.

With new hedgehogs who are going under their liners, I try to position the water bowl so that they cannot go under the liner to tip it.