Today the baby is 15 days old so I decided to put Mama and Baby in a bit of a bigger cage bc Mama seems way stressed and has even started fur biting and she's never done this before. Its a rabbit hutch and the spacing is baby proof before everyone starts questioning that. Its only been a couple of hours but I'm worried it may've been a bad idea bc she's not letting baby around her or even nurse now. Like I said, its only been a couple of hours but I thought babies ate every couple of hours? Should I switch them back or just give it a little time? This is my first baby and although it was unexpected, it is such a joy! She's a standard little girl. Today she weighed 109 g! She has doubled in size in like 2 days! Let me know if you think this is going to be a problem with the different cage. It doesn't have ledges and is 3ft X 22 inches and I'm not sure how tall but that doesn't matter since I haven't put ledges in yet. Spacing is 1/2 in. Just don't know if its too much of a change right now or if I just need to relax a bit!