Changing a Wardrobe...

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...into a Chin cage! Can this be done? I have a wardrobe upstairs that i have come to the conclusion would be ideal for the chins once the side and doors are cut out a bit to cover with wire mesh for ventilation. But my only main concern would be them chewing the wardrobe itself, not sure of the wood, its deffo not pine! How could i do it in such a way they would not be able to chew it? I've been looking all day for cages and ideas and it will just work out too expensive for me. This way all i have to worry about is selves, toys etc and will have happy Chinchillas!

Please anyone with suggestions throw them my way thanks.

Sorry about the second thread but i thought this deserved a new one!

Cheers :thumbsup:
maybe you could post a picture to help us think of ideas??
the first thing that comes to my mind is to cover the existing shelves in sheet metal.
i guess i always lean towards that since my finace' is a sheet metal worker and we have tons of the stuff! it is also what i used in my cage.
maybe you could post a picture to help us think of ideas??

Good point! I have pictures now there is actually no shevles but ye will see that yerselves. I would like to cut the bottom of it and put wire instead for the poop etc to fall into the drawer for easy cleaning. I know that i can put shelves etc etc but just want to know if the wardrobe itself ok :thumbsup:

Pics (excuse the mess its a spare room):



So can anyone suggest if its ok or not?
Nope, I wouldn't do it. The wood is most likely treated with chemicals and unsafe for the chins.

Ok thats what i thought! There is no way to cover this is there and still use it? Besides metal sheets as posted above..
You'd almost be better off building a whole new box out of melamine and then installing shelves, wire, etc. into it for a custom cage. Yes, it's heavy, but it's durable as blazes, easy to clean, and looks nicer than the all-wire numbers.
Maybe you can cover the interior of the wardrobe with melamine boards or pine boards? So just use the wardrobe as a foundation for the cage?

Maybe sanding it down prior to attaching a layer of melamine or pine boards might be okay? This way the chins can get to the original wardrobe wood?
You could cover the inside with pine / melamine boards. And for the doors, get a jigsaw or circular saw and cut out a big square. then cover up the hole that was made with 1" x 1" wire.
Thanks for replying everyone but i am gone off the idea now seeing it will take too much to make it chin safe and probably cost me more..
I made melamine cages with melamine paneling over 3/4" plywood - way too heavy!
Next time I'll use 3/8 ply, as the melamine I used was 1/4" by itself, and would stiffen it completely when attatched. And be much lighter.
I had Home Depot make good, straight cuts, which helped a lot!
Actually I think it is an awesome idea, and that wood will do nothing to the chins. What has been used to treat it is already set and will not dissolve in the system if ingested. It's also not likely they'll ingest it since it is such a large cage and you'll have all kinds of other things in there. I assume it doesn't taste good because I've not have one give more than a few nibbles to anything I've built or any of the other stained and treated furniture in my house.

I've converted many book cases, dressers and other box like wooden objects. It's a lot of fun and very satisfying to see your chin happy in their new home.

If I were converting that I would knock out anything in between the top and the bottom drawer. Seal the drawer with a polyurethane or other waterproof (urine-proof) sealant and use it as a pan.

I'd either take a jigsaw and knock out most of the front doors or just build new ones using 1'2" x 2" wood pieces and metal L brackets. Then use a staple gun to attach mesh, I've used both 1/4 and 1/8", the 1/8" breathes well and keeps shavings in better. Add shelves, toys, food, water and chin. Enjoy!
I made melamine cages with melamine paneling over 3/4" plywood - way too heavy!
Next time I'll use 3/8 ply, as the melamine I used was 1/4" by itself, and would stiffen it completely when attatched. And be much lighter.
I had Home Depot make good, straight cuts, which helped a lot!

Actually I think it is an awesome idea, and that wood will do nothing to the chins. What has been used to treat it is already set and will not dissolve in the system if ingested. It's also not likely they'll ingest it since it is such a large cage and you'll have all kinds of other things in there. I assume it doesn't taste good because I've not have one give more than a few nibbles to anything I've built or any of the other stained and treated furniture in my house.

I've converted many book cases, dressers and other box like wooden objects. It's a lot of fun and very satisfying to see your chin happy in their new home.

If I were converting that I would knock out anything in between the top and the bottom drawer. Seal the drawer with a polyurethane or other waterproof (urine-proof) sealant and use it as a pan.

I'd either take a jigsaw and knock out most of the front doors or just build new ones using 1'2" x 2" wood pieces and metal L brackets. Then use a staple gun to attach mesh, I've used both 1/4 and 1/8", the 1/8" breathes well and keeps shavings in better. Add shelves, toys, food, water and chin. Enjoy!

I love yer enthusiasm lads! Now if only i was as good with my carpentry as i was my thinking skills i'd be flying it. Thanks Spoof will keep this for reference just in case those other cages don't suit i'll resort back to this :thumbsup: But glad you think its ok. My chins are chewers so i would be worried.