ceramic heat lamp

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I recently got a new hedgie, Penelope :) I have read that ceramic heat lamps are fairly ideal for our little hedgie friends, however mine seems to be much too hot. What wattage light do you buy for your hedgehog so that it maintains around 75 degrees?

I was told that a 75w lamp would give me ~75 degree temperatures but it feels much hotter to me. I currently have it facing over the cage to just send residual heat down to Penelope.

I do have a thermometer (the kind you stick to the cage) and it reads at ~85 in the cage, although I know it may be inaccurate.

Anyway, enough rambling. Suggestions for wattage?
I have the same question. I have a 60w lamp and I don't feel its warming up anything. My thermometer was saying 71 degrees. I put the old space heater back on for now but I really don't like it. What kind of cage do you have? I have a c&c cage.
blueserenity22 You must have a thermostat to control the heat output of the emitter otherwise it is on all the time and will be too hot. Most people use either the ReptiTemp 500R or there is one made by Zilla. These thermostats have a probe that is placed at floor level to read the temperature and it will turn the emitter off and on as needed to keep it at the temperature required.

Raindog, C&C cages are very hard to heat and the larger they are the more difficult. A 60 watt emitter would not be adequate. Most people using C&C cages need to use two emitters, one on each end. The thermostats will control two emitters. What size is your C&C?
Mine is 2 squares by 3 squares so about 30 inches by 45 inches. I can get a second emitter no problem. So I would need more than 60w in each one? I have a thermostat. I want this set up before it gets colder outside. Thanks for your help, and Quinnie thanks you too!
You might get away with using a 60 on one side since you already have it. I'd go with 100's or even 150's. If using two different sizes of emitter you would have to experiment more with where to place the probe because otherwise one side would be too warm or two cool.

You can also block off the back wall of the cage so it will hold in more heat.