Cell Phone Carriers

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY
I have a question about who you all use for a cellphone carrier. Even though we are in different states, I still wanted to ask.

The reason being is because I have T-mobile and the first two years I had them I had no problems what so ever, but ever since I upgraded, i have been through 5 (free thank the lord) phones and they all stink. NO matter what brand I get, I know have terrible coverage.

At one time people used to complain about Verizon, but I hear they have gotten better. So I am asking who your carrier is and if you like them because when my contract is up, I'm definately leaving T-mobile.

Thanks everyone,
I have the same problem Jean. I have had Tmobile for like 7 years, and they have gone down the tube. I would like to know what everyone thinks here.
I have AT&T, and i haven't had any problems with them at all. The only thing is sometimes i get a dropped call, but really no one can get cell phone coverage in that area i get the most dropped calls.
I've got AT&T and a 3G phone. Have MANY less problems with dropped calls, bad signal, whatever, now than before. No problems that I can think of with AT&T and I've been with them for around 15+ years.
I've been using Nextel for about 6 years,and since going with their "hybrid" phone, [w/sprint?] haven't had any problems! $60 mo. + taxes = 300 min, free incoming, and the walkie-talkie! They're pretty flexable about payments, and will "make a deal" if you go way over!
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I have Verizon and overall have been happy with it. The only problem I've had is that it doesn't seem to have as great of coverage in rural areas of WI.
Because I also have a second phone that I use just for me and my boyfriend to talk, which is is through T-Mobile and that phone gets way better coverage in rural areas than my Verizon one does.
However the T-Mobile phone is an old model and doesn't have anything fancy on it. No camera, etc.
AT&T and never had any problems.

INHO, If I do have problems, I blame it on the phone not the carrier. My grandparents have been using cell phones with internal antennaes and they SUCK. However, I have always used a cell phone with an external antennae and I get better signals than they do. It's the same deal with my fiance. Internal antennae and horrible signals, compared to to my external antennae.

Until I find a nice phone with an external antennae, I will never upgrade mine. At least, not until it breaks. And it's a Motorola Flip phone from like 2006. xD
I've got Verizon and they are terrible in my area and in Vermont where I went to school. We're considering switching to AT&T cause we've heard good things about them.
Parents had Cingular, whicch became ATT for 10 years, I've been for 6. Great service and signal. Never had a problem. I've had best luck with Samsung phones. Had on lasted both parents and me 12 years almost combined, another my son chewed on, dropped, threw at windshield, cracked windshield, phone not a scratch. My current one same, dropped, played with, still perfect. Get signal everywhere, even in the middle of nowhere central Florida. Bf has T-Mobile. They have a problem with a tower near his house, as soon as he gets 2 blocks from home his phone drops any call, has full bars, but says service unavailable. He called them, they said upgrade service, pay $10 a month more and maybe get better service, or wait for it to get fixed. They're working on it. But when asked, don't know when it would be fixed.
I have t-mobile. I'm really happy with it. I'm upgrading my phone to the new blackberry javelin (curve 8900) tomorrow!!! Woot Woot! I'm excited.. hehe

I really think it depends on where you live. Some places get att better, some get verizon better. My t-mobile works just fine. I'm in Reno (area) Nevada.
I use Verizon and have never had a problem. I did get a new phone for Christmas and the screen went out a few days after, so I went to the Verizon store and they replaced it with a new phone right there.
I think a lot of it depends on location, regarding the cell signal. When I lived in So. Ill, I had Sprint, but found that as I traveled for work to the really tiny towns in the middle of nowhere, my phone would roam. I switched to Verizon and never had that problem again. THEN, I moved south of St. Louis, and my Verizon phone was always on roam! Sprint gets the best service where I work/live.

Now, as for customer service, they've both been pretty good. I use AT&T for my internet and HATE THEM and their shoddy customer service, but they're my only reasonably-priced option.
I have had Verizon for the last 4 yrs. and I absolutely love it. I have never had a problem, I get a signal everywhere and it's reasonable for the plan I have.
We had Nextel and they were good. Had T-mobile; hated them and their customer service. They were rude and not helpful at all. Now we have AT&T and they're good
I have verizon. I have never had any problems with them. I have good service realitively everywhere in my area.
I have AT&T and they really SUCK for me. I have a 3G phone and I lose calls in my house all the time. I didn't have this problem when it was Cingular, but as soon as they switched to the AT&T network I started dropping calls. Every time I go in to complain I get some crap story from them and nothing improves. I really needed a working phone in November because I was having surgery. They told me I was more than welcome to buy another phone that might work better. Hello, you sold me the phone and the service, I expect what you sold me in the first place to work.

I'm seriously looking into alternatives for when the contract runs out in March.
I've had T-mobile for 3-4 years (and Scott's had it even longer) and love it... never had any service issues, even roaming on a Unicel tower in northern NH. Amusingly enough, in the lab/building I work in, my advisor, who has an iPhone with AT&T gets bad service/dropped calls all the time, but my labmate (also T-mobile) and I never have problems. Susansheila, I'm surprised you've had issues with their customer service - Scott and I have dealt with them numerous times and they've always been wonderful... even had no problem unlocking my phone when I was going to London for 2 months.

As far as quality, I think it has a fair amount to do with the phones themselves. I remember the days of chunky-yet-indestructible Nokias, but those days are over... everything seems to be made quite cheaply anymore.
CerLyn, my phone got stolen out of my truck so between arguing with them it cost me $1,600. So yeah, their customer service sucks. But that was just my experience with them.