Caught humping!

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2009
If it wasn't so cute I probably would be mad.


chin scratch:

and just him:
I can't wait to experience this v_v lol

cute chinnie!
That song "I think I love you" by the BeeJee's [?] just came into my head!!
He def loves me ;)
we created quite a bond and he responds to my voice and commands.
Its great.
That is just so cute- I have never had them do that!
lol, I think that's the cutest humping chin I've ever seen! :)) He's just so adorable, and you can see the love in his eyes! :p

I can't believe out of the 9 boys that I own, not one has ever humped me, lol. I guess I lucked out.
LOL boys!!

When one of my chins went through puberty he used to go after my hand, my foot, my knee, anything he could get to, it always made me laugh so hard but I must admit I am glad he grew out of that.
Rickman when I saw the picture the song in my head that popped up was..............."DON'T YOU WANT ME BABY..........DON'T YOU WANT ME OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!" ( chuckles to self ) Boys!! Thank goodness my chin Little Dude likes his bunny. I would be so dissapointed in arm hugging behavior. Your chin boy is way too cute! Little Stinker.
That's a good one, too! I guess there'd be a few to put under that picture!
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one! One of my boys (also a mosaic) does this to me ALL the time. I think my fiance' is getting jealous. :kiss:
How can you be mad at a little humping! :) ...I think my female has done the same thing to my arm...disturbing!