Catch Swine/H1N1 Flu?

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
  • Start date
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Is it possible for little Burrito to catch H1N1 from me? I am being very carefull around him. I always wash my hands before touching him and I wear a mask near him. I even moved him out of my bedroom into my videogame room. I dont want him to miss out on his play time because I'm sick but I also dont want him to get sick.:wacko: Thanks.:)
I don't think H1N1 is transferable to pets, but your little guy can develop an upper respiratory infection if you aren't careful. Just be very diligent with washing your hands and keep contact with him down to a minimum.
Ok, thanks. I will try to only come in contact with him only when I have to.
I have a friend who's a doctor, and he said that it's basically like any other flu. You can catch it the same way, and for the most part, the symptoms are the same, so just use the same precautions you would if you had the regular old flu and your chin should be fine =)