Cat catcher...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I have baby chicks... so I can't have strays around. Tonight I saw one creeping up on the chicks, so I locked them up and put out a live trap. She didn't seem very scared of me, and we watched from the window. As she inspected the trap ( with yummy ham in it ), I said... is that a kitten? We're like oh man... what if we catch the momma and not the kittens... as we're discussing this we see three or four kittens and what looks like two adults slinking out from under the chin house... I was like, I have too much money into chicks to let them become cat chow, so we're catching what we can.

So far we've caught three kittens. We're hoping for at least two more tonight and they'll go into the HS tomorrow. The kittens are a couple months old, possibly four or so even. They are definitely feral but pretty calm considering. We moved them out of the traps and into one large carrier with little trouble, except one wild calico who took off and tried climbing up the garage doors ( so glad I shut them first) I simply tossed my shirt over her ( long sleeves when I go out due to mosquitoes!) and picked her up, she didn't argue or complain. I put in a couple cans of soft food for them and they weren't really scared of me, I certainly don't think I could reach in and pet them, but the didn't think I was going to hurt them at least.

I hope they find wonderful homes, because I think they're young enough they'll settle down easily. Sometimes I just wish you could keep them all...