Carefresh Complete Chinchilla Diet?

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I know someone who purchased some to take a look at it and see if it was any good. I guess the main ingredients are pretty decent, but it has banana chips and stuff in it. She said if you picked the fruit out, the pellets were nutritionally okay.

I think I would just stick to plain pellets. I don't have time to pick through food removing bits and pieces of dried fruit.
I know someone who purchased some to take a look at it and see if it was any good. I guess the main ingredients are pretty decent, but it has banana chips and stuff in it. She said if you picked the fruit out, the pellets were nutritionally okay.

I think I would just stick to plain pellets. I don't have time to pick through food removing bits and pieces of dried fruit.

That's what I figured, if the fruit wasn't added it probably would be good for them to eat. You would think food companies would have figured this out by now!
I don't think I'd be feeding anything made by a litter company - consumption is too far away from absorption!
hmmmmmmmmmm 6.95 for 2 lbs and i have to pick out the treats OR 16.05 for 25 pounds of mazuri. too much work & too much money for me personally.
i think i will stick with what works.
Hmm thats pretty interesting.... i havent seen any carefresh brand foods in stores yet but I'm sure it will probably make its way there.
At least they got the pellets right!?
I don't think I'd be feeding anything made by a litter company - consumption is too far away from absorption!

LOL...that is funny, never thought of it from that perspective! :rofl:

I would never use it either, my 2 LOVE Mazuri and it's the best food that Kunya ever ate all of....I have tried Oxbow and Nutrena. Mazuri is a winner here.

I just wondered if anyone ever saw this in a store and tried it....that's all. I am not switching or anything. Just thought it was weird that Carefresh made a food now.
I pulled up this thread thinking it would be a discussion about how some little brat chin was eating his litter. Wow, they are making food now? Interesting. Banana chips and treats are so not necessary. Why do they put those in? Don't they ever talk to any breeders or ranchers about what to feed chins?

My chins love Mazuri, too. I have tried using other foods, but they would have none of it.
Maybe I'm completely off base here, but is anyone else concerned that corn is the 3rd ingredient? Wouldn't chins be like most other animals and not be able to process corn well?

Anyways, yes, it does remind me of cat food. And it says no artificial colors, well, but why did they feel the need to color it at all? There's little cat food looking bits in it that are different colors..
I wouldn't be too worried about the corn except for it is the third ingredient. It isn't so bad in small amounts in a food, but who even knows how much they are putting in this particular pellet. It may not be THAT much, maybe it's just a little bit and it looks like it may be quite a bit because it would be one of the top three ingredients in the pellet? I don't know... I don't think I would recommend it to anyone.
I saw it in the stores here. I just kinda rubs me wrong to think of feeding something made by a litter company. Anyway, it has treats and is on the expensive side for me. I'll just stick to ordering Tradition for my babies.
I had a bag of this come in with some chins today. It looks like kitty kibble. I don't understand why these food companies can't just make a plain, decent pellet. I would never feed this to chinchillas, this doesn't even look like something a chinchilla should have for a treat.

Seriously, just a good pellet...with very little corn and without the treats added in. THAT is all we need. I know that they have to market things and stand apart from the others, but come on, just make a healthy pellet without harmful preservatives and with good ingredients.

I started the little girls on Mazuri tonight, the new girls that came today, that is. They seem to really like it. It's just a plain pellet, nothing fancy and they are eating it.