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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
Do you give your chins cardboard to play with?
Like toliet paper rolls with hay in?

I herd they can choke on it?
And if you can give it them then how much in a week?
My chins have played with toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, and wrapping paper rolls ever since I've had chins. I've also gotten them them great big carpet rolls and cut them into different lengths to hide in. I've never had a problem.

I wouldn't give them 30 in a day or anything, but the occasional one to chew is fine.
My chin doesn't show a whole lot of interest in cardboard...I've had a cardboard rabbit maze in her pen now for a year or so that is still standing! But cardboard that doesn't have contaminents such as glue residue is ok to give.
I give dental chins cardboard boxes, its one thing they can chew and shred, gives them a sense of normalcy and something to entertain themselves with.
what about ingesting it? a year ago i gave giz some toilet paper rolls and watched him chew it. it seemed like he was mostly just eating it, not just chewing it.

i havent given it to him since then, but was wondering if it could be harmful.
yes I have plain cardborad boxes as tunnels for him to play with when hes out, but he takes strips off and starts to eat it all, so I've never left him alsone with cardboard. I'll give him a paper roll and see what he does.

Is it okay if he eats it?
Is it okay if he eats it?

I know that one of my guinea pigs ate some and ended up having a wad of it get stuck and he ended up constipated due to it but the other one only chews it and has had no problems..but I am not sure about how chins would digest it and if the same thing would happen. Good question though..can someone more knowledgeable chime in?
I've never seen a problem when they have been given cardboard. If I had seen a problem, I would tell everyone over and over again until everyone would be scared of using anything with cardboard!!

I have seen chins eat a little or it appeared as such. But, it doesn't taste good and they don't seem to keep on eating it. They turn the cardboard into little chips and are all over the place the next morning. So, I know that if they are eating it, they aren't eating much. Its texture is different from the carefresh or tissue paper or anything it has to be chewed up like the hay to be swallowed.

With that being said... If you see that the chin is eating the cardboard and keeps on eating it and isn't shredding it and making a mess, I would recommend not giving it anymore. You don't want any chin to eat too much at all, of course!
Thanks Susan! I have those Chubes but I usually cover them with thick fleece because I didn't know if they ate it what could happen. I think I will take off the cover and see what they do!