cardboard and newspaper

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Active member
Mar 23, 2013
I'm sure this has been answered a million times so I apologize in advance.

Up until just now I have been leaving cardboard boxes in my chinchillas cage 24/7 but I just read a thread in which someone lost their chin due to an impaction caused by cardboard so I have removed it... I don't intend to let him chew on cardboard anymore my problem is I use newspaper to line the bottom of the cage which throughout the week he tears up and most likely eats some off.... I assume snewspaper is equally as dangerous so can anyone suggest something that isnt? Preferably a cheap solution not a bought one as the only chinchilla bedding I can find sold near me is carefresh which is ridiculously expensive for a tiny bag.
Carefresh is just as bad as the cardboard. If he's tearing up the newspaper you'll want to find something new. Wood shavings (kiln dried pine or aspen) would be the easiest and cheapest. You can also use fleece liners, which would then be reusable. If you search the forum there are very many threads about bedding. I'm not sure what you'll have available to you in the UK, but hopefully someone else can point you in the right direction.
Hi I used paper to line the bottom if my chins cage but they used to do the same just rip it up and generally make a mess including throwing shavings everywhere!! I have recently started useing fleece lining and it is fantastic best thing I ever did must cleaner snd healthier for my chins :)
My chin won't urinate on fleece.. She only uses the bathroom on wooden shavings. Could just be a personal preference for her, but I use aspen wood bedding in the bottom and fleece liners for some of her shelves. :)
I definitely wouldn't use newpaper bedding, for the impaction risk you've mentioned.
My chin has aspen bedding.

She does have cardboard boxes to chew and play with, but only during her play out time in the spare room. I don't let her have the cardboard in her cage.