So my car was broken into the other night and my Gamin was taken. The door was popped open with the use of a screwdriver. The Garmin was not in the window, it was on the floor on the passanger side of my car. The car was parked in my driveway with the passenger side door no more then 5 ft from out kitchen window and it was up against a bush. They broken into the drivers side door. They were really focused on that Garmin as my Zune Transomitter was right next to it, and my spare key was under the dash. My Roommate's car was parked right next to mine, unlocked with his iPod touch with transmitter, DS, and a nuber of other expensive items on the seats and nothing went missing. :hair:
Now the issue... My other roommate (he longer lives with us) at the end of last semester took a number of bikes that were abondoned by freshmen when they left. The Campus police marked them as abandoned and stated that they would pick them up by a certain day. That day came and went and a week later this roommate took about 4 bikes (One for him, his brother, and some other friends) Well a month later yet another roommate (not living with us anymore either) decided to have a drunken joy riding spree with some of his friends and a neighbor called the police. The original roommate was charged with Larceny and the rest of us with assisting and harboring stolen goods. All of this took place when I was 400 miles away. I still was charged and convicted of a mistemeanor(sp?) This all ended at the end of July. :banghead:
Now I do not want to call to police after my car was broken into. I do not trust them any more. I now need to call the police and I'm more terrified of the police then the petty theif that broke into my car.I am more upset with my disolutionment with our justice system then the violation of my belongings. I'm scared they are going to bend me over the legal system and spank me again....:cry3:<---- will have to do cause theres no disolutioned smileys...
Now the issue... My other roommate (he longer lives with us) at the end of last semester took a number of bikes that were abondoned by freshmen when they left. The Campus police marked them as abandoned and stated that they would pick them up by a certain day. That day came and went and a week later this roommate took about 4 bikes (One for him, his brother, and some other friends) Well a month later yet another roommate (not living with us anymore either) decided to have a drunken joy riding spree with some of his friends and a neighbor called the police. The original roommate was charged with Larceny and the rest of us with assisting and harboring stolen goods. All of this took place when I was 400 miles away. I still was charged and convicted of a mistemeanor(sp?) This all ended at the end of July. :banghead:
Now I do not want to call to police after my car was broken into. I do not trust them any more. I now need to call the police and I'm more terrified of the police then the petty theif that broke into my car.I am more upset with my disolutionment with our justice system then the violation of my belongings. I'm scared they are going to bend me over the legal system and spank me again....:cry3:<---- will have to do cause theres no disolutioned smileys...