Car broken into...

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So my car was broken into the other night and my Gamin was taken. The door was popped open with the use of a screwdriver. The Garmin was not in the window, it was on the floor on the passanger side of my car. The car was parked in my driveway with the passenger side door no more then 5 ft from out kitchen window and it was up against a bush. They broken into the drivers side door. They were really focused on that Garmin as my Zune Transomitter was right next to it, and my spare key was under the dash. My Roommate's car was parked right next to mine, unlocked with his iPod touch with transmitter, DS, and a nuber of other expensive items on the seats and nothing went missing. :hair:

Now the issue... My other roommate (he longer lives with us) at the end of last semester took a number of bikes that were abondoned by freshmen when they left. The Campus police marked them as abandoned and stated that they would pick them up by a certain day. That day came and went and a week later this roommate took about 4 bikes (One for him, his brother, and some other friends) Well a month later yet another roommate (not living with us anymore either) decided to have a drunken joy riding spree with some of his friends and a neighbor called the police. The original roommate was charged with Larceny and the rest of us with assisting and harboring stolen goods. All of this took place when I was 400 miles away. I still was charged and convicted of a mistemeanor(sp?) This all ended at the end of July. :banghead:

Now I do not want to call to police after my car was broken into. I do not trust them any more. I now need to call the police and I'm more terrified of the police then the petty theif that broke into my car.I am more upset with my disolutionment with our justice system then the violation of my belongings. I'm scared they are going to bend me over the legal system and spank me again....:cry3:<---- will have to do cause theres no disolutioned smileys...
They probably wouldn't do anything but take down a report. Then again, maybe it would be good to have a report on record just to warn other people? I always here about crime statistics that are put out for certain neighborhoods...maybe it would be good for people to know about a car break in. I don't know...maybe that would lower property values.

You really have to take everything in with you and not leave it in the car. I put everything under the seats or in the glove box because people will break into cars if they see something of value.

I'm so sorry that they stole your GPS (that's what it is, right?) because I would be lost without mine!
I am sorry that you feel so strongly this way about the justice system. It is amazing that they don't take record of who is or is not there. Now your record has that misdemeanor. I don't know exactly what that does for you but still stinks.

I do agree with AZChins. I don't know if it would do much for you unless they find a broken up GPS somewhere and can somehow link it to you... I think it would be mostly for the crime rate in your area.

Sorry that this happened to you!
I used to be all for our justice system. I've never had any issues with it before and now I'm scared of it. It sucks.

It wouldn't really lower property values. I live one block from the campus. But its Wyoming. No one locks their cars. People leave them running and unlocked when they run into the store. To be honest I think I know who did it too. Some techers live down the block and they just moved in a few weeks ago and started peeing (and on the weekends throwing up) in the bushes around my house. I will file a report. I'm just so angry that I don't trust cops anymore.
Those things have a serial number, did you register yours? Do you have the warranty card or your receipt? It would be on there too. Why? Because I bet Garmin could tell you where that GPS is!
Those things have a serial number, did you register yours? Do you have the warranty card or your receipt? It would be on there too. Why? Because I bet Garmin could tell you where that GPS is!

Thats a good point! I didn't register is but I have the warranty card and my parents have the receipt (I got it for christmas). I'm going to check out their site now if they have a recovery porgram.:)
You may be right. I don't understand technology, but maybe the manufacturer could help out somehow. Do GPS dealies put out a signal that could be tracked? Mine is a cheapo one so I am sure that it doesn't...but maybe others are better than it.

I know that they use the GPS things that are built into cars to locate the car. (I seriously have no clue about any of it...LOL, I wouldn't know what a GPS does except for my husband bought me one and forced me to use it. I didn't know what an Ipod was even after watching all the dancing people on TV for a year in the commercials...yeah, I am one of those people.)
Well if they turn it on we should be able to find it. They cannot pawn it. So who knows maybe we'll get it. Its just is a bit scary because I have some Fav's saved in it like my parents house and cabin, and my sisters house... Luckily my sister lives on a military base and well good luck to anyone who wants to rob from my parents and their German Shepards....
A friend of mine had her car broken into in July and they took her boyfriend's Ipod. When she filed her report they had advised her that there was approximately 30 cars broken into within the city over that weekend. Her car had also been parked right in her driveway. But, because so many people had reported it they knew to step up patrol within that area of the city. What's crazy is, we don't really even live in a bad city, it's small. More like a large town than a city. I guess you really never know where a thief is lurking. I'd report it if I were you. Maybe it'll help prevent someone else from getting screwed too. It stinks when you get into trouble for something you didn't do, but that's how it is I guess. You shouldn't let that interfere with justice on your behalf though. Good luck with everything. Who knows? Maybe if you made out a report they may find it in someone's possession down the line?
Eveningchin, maybe you should have hired a lawyer when you were accused of doing something when you weren't even home at the time, unless you got in trouble for not reporting the theft of the bikes once you knew about it. If I truly felt I was innocent and should not have been blamed in any fashion, I would have scraped up the money to defend myself rather than have that misdemeanor on my record.
my car was broken into this weekend too. i live in a very safe community right across from a cop & next door to a cop and they still broke in and stole my ipod & cd's, neither of which were exposed, but my car was unlocked.
but they had the guts to come back the next night and break into my fiance's car, which was LOCKED.......they used a tool to pry his door open.
Initially I thought our GPS was stolen and the cop said if it was they may be able to track it.
i also checked with apple and they have NO policy on stolen ipods, even though there is a serial number that is registered to me.
apparently there have been over 30 break-ins in the surrounding area, with one car even being stolen. the cops apparantly have their eye on a few individuals and have bumped up the patrol in the area.
i learned my lesson though and now i take everythign in with me and we are getting an alarm for my fiance's car because he has tv's & a stereo system with a vidoe screen.
it just stinks that we have to do all this, im not sure how safe i feel in my onw house!
the only somewhat good news is that my homeowners insurance will cover the theft and i only have a $250 deductible and and all the stuff that was taken was worth WAY more than that.
you should at least call and get a report and give them the serial number. they cant judge you on a past offense and doubt that they will even know.
Michelle, that is just awful. It's bad when you have to start locking your car doors at home. What's wrong with people these days? Did their parents teach them the value of hard work and that stealing is really, really wrong? I believe that everyone is on drugs, but I think that's something that my grandmother taught me to think... :)
i told my 8 year old that someone broke into our cars and that the people who did it are theives that probably have way too much time on their hands.
i keep telling him to make friends with good people, stay in sports and keep your nose clean (my dad always said that to us!).
i just cant belive the guts of these criminals, for pete's sake two of my neighbors are cops!!!
Eveningchin, maybe you should have hired a lawyer when you were accused of doing something when you weren't even home at the time, unless you got in trouble for not reporting the theft of the bikes once you knew about it. If I truly felt I was innocent and should not have been blamed in any fashion, I would have scraped up the money to defend myself rather than have that misdemeanor on my record.

It's not too late. You can still hire a good lawyer and re-visit the issue.

Sorry about the GPS :(
That sucks. I don't know what to tell you except I hope you get it back.

my sister in laws car got broke into and they got her gps, my brother radar detector, my nephews formula, and some other things out of his diaper bag.
Some people will steal just about anything.

Sorry it happened to you
Those things have a serial number, did you register yours? Do you have the warranty card or your receipt? It would be on there too. Why? Because I bet Garmin could tell you where that GPS is!

Nope - Garmin GPS does not send out signals, it just picks up signals (passive technology) - that is unless your GPS was hooked to a tracking system, like a motor fleet would. Most of these that actually can track are $500+. This is why stealing them has become so popular, because they can't trace them.,8599,1735091,00.html

I'm sorry :(
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Well I hope you are able to find your lost Garmin, or at the very least the criminal who took it!
My dad used to leave his old car unlocked until someone took 2 CD's and his sunglasses out of it. :skeptical: