cant sleep+in pain+long story

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
I can't post pics up right now because I am still in a law suit with this lady. But ill catch you up why I cannot sleep. My husband and I and my 3 kids were going to a birthday party one Saturday. When I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a car flip over. All i saw was a car fliping over twice and a person thrown from the car and the car kept rolling. I have had first aid traing plus I keep a first aid kit in my car at all times. We pulled over to help. As a mother I just wanted to hold this kid and tell him is ok. ( he looked to be early 20's ) But as training taught me. Keep him still and stop any bleeding. Thats what I did. My husband stayed in the car calling police while I was with this boy. The ambalance came and police. I told the police man i didn't see it well just from my mirror. But my husband did. So I told him id go get him. I stayed in the car while my husband talked to the police. While in the car ( we were pulled over safely with blinkers ). A "rubber necker" hit my car going 70+mph. Thank the good lord my kids where not hurt. But I broke my nose and my back is all messed up.
Now why I can't sleep. Well its simple. Im in so much pain with my back. Iv done all the therapy, chropratic care, and what not. over the counter pain meds don't work at all. Iv taken like 4 already. I have a TENS machine. Its not helping. Taken a hot bath still no help. My friend is coming over to give me one of her oxycotdin. But thats not till bout 12:30. I don't want to depend on meds to comfort myself.
So Im coming to you. Does anyone have any Ideas what I can do to ease the pain just enough to go to bed.
Im gonna just lay in bed for now and watch tv in pain. But ill be one though out the night until the pain goes away
I understand that you're in pain and I sympathize with you, but please be careful taking prescription medication that is not legally prescribed to you. You don't know the adverse effects it could cause and it is illegal to take your friends medication. I hope that you feel better soon, but please reconsider taking a narcotic without a doctor writing it specifically for you.
I don't condone it but I understand why she would want to take her friends pain meds. Because of the abusers, dr's don't want to prescribe pain meds to anyone ...even when you sincerely are in pain. Back pain is some of the worse pain ever to endure.

I do have a friend that has chronic back pain that has been verified by several drs. She goes to a pain management clinic so they can help her figure out the right meds for her pain. Do they have anything like this around where you live? I believe you would need to be sent by your personal physician.

Hope you feel better soon.
I understand this too, as I have spinal stenosis and bulging discs, but I just honestly worry about people taking narcotics, especially those not prescribed to them. I've seen what just one pill can start. I have friends and family that are so highly addicted to narcotics from small accidents, that it's heartbreaking.

I'd talk to your primary physician about your pain and see if there's anything that they can give to you that's non-narcotic such as tramadol to see if it would relieve the pain. If not, at least having a script of your own is much safer in the end.

But sorry for getting off topic. If you have a pool or hot tub, I would try water therapy.
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Sorry about that Tiffany. Yes, unfortunately some people can't stop wanting that good feeling that sometimes comes with a pill.

I've also heard that sometimes accupuncture helps.
You may need to contact your personal physician and see about getting into one of Florida's Spinal Institutes and seeing a doctor that specializes in back pain. It sounds like you may have more damage then a normal GP could help with.

My dad was in a severe car accident almost 30 years ago and was told nothing was wrong for years, but after suffering form acute neck and back pain for all those years, finally found out a few years ago that he had fractured his neck and quite a few disks in his back. He had surgery last year and is a lot better after having it. But it took him going to a Spinal Institute in SC to get a correct diagnosis.

I know how it can feel to be in so much pain you that it interferes with basic quality of life, but please be careful taking other people's meds. They are prescribed for their eight, height and other personal specs and unless you are a clone of her, taking meds fir her personal specs can be detrimental to you and maybe even fatal.
Thanks for all the comments I will have to look into the spinal institute. There is also pain managment here. Im just scared to go because they told me they stick a needle in you kinga like having a epidural. I have had that 3 times with my kids but it hurts. I do have a pool but the water is really cold right now. As far as the meds. I was prescribed meds when the accident happened. But I don't have anymore. My doc said he would prescibe me more but i can't afford it right now.
That's horrible! My mom was in a car accident and her disks ended up being messed up, I don't remember the word for it but the disks were three times bigger than what they should have been. My mom didn't really do anything for pain medication, although my boyfriends dad has chronic back pain and he uses a multitude of pain killers, but after being with him I don't suggest it after a while you become very unbearable when not on the pain meds. Is it possible that you have a disk popped out of place, or did the doctors already make sure that nothing serious was wrong? After dealing with my mother in that type of pain from a car accident, I hope that your troubles are settled very soon.
I would see if your doc would prescribe aqua therapy..pool therapy. Yur insurance will cover part of it if deemed medically necissary. It is presectibed often for arthritis, so maybe it will help you as well.
Sorry about your troubles. Accidents are bad enough, but when caused by someone driving like an idiot that makes it even worse.