cant find a chinchilla breeder

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hi, i have done numerous amounts of research, purchased a cage, food, dust bath, toys, etc. for my new chincilla, but the problem is i cant find a chinchilla breeder in pennsylvania. i am hesitant to purchase one from a pet store but that may be my last option. please help, i am located in North Eastern Pennslyvania and am willing to drive up to an hour.
Where in NE PA are you? I am 20 mins north of Philadelphia so I am going by places north of me. French Creek is out near Lake Erie and Mish is in Central PA, so unfortunately they are probably too far for you. Summit Hill is in north PA so she may be a good bet. Also, Mt Zion Chins ( is in central NJ and she's VERY easy to work with and Curly Tail Chins ( is in Shamokin, PA. If you find a breeder outside of this site and are unsure about their credibility ask on here. Most of the guys on here know all the local breeders and if you will get a healthy baby. Good luck in your search :)
I made and 8 hour road trip for one of my chins, its really not that bad if you can get a friend to come with and swap drive time. When you find the chin you fall in love with, I bet you'd be willing to drive out of state to bring them home =)
I went up to 45 hours total of driving to pick up a chin..
Although, I did enjoy the time alone, the scenery and all. Felt I had 2 weeks vacation in 4 days.
Have you considered rescuing a chin? If you go to and type in your city or zip code, select "small and furry" and type "chinchilla" under breed, it comes up with a list of chinchillas needing homes relatively close to you! I did it for Scranton, PA just to check, and there were chinchillas in Main Line, PA and nearby NY places ...
Don't know if you are near me - central NJ. I have an adult female standard gray with cage/wheel/hidey house up for adoption. She is in great shape - a chunker and is friendly. She is about 6 years old