Cant figure out whats wrong with my chin is this normal?

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Dec 17, 2011
I got my chin 2 months ago and he is awesome I play with him everyday and take good care of him but when I picked him up to let him out if his cage his whole body was almost like it was vibrating? He does a lot now? What does this mean?
It could mean a lot of things.

A lot of people on here know more than I do, but just to throw out an idea, he may be afraid of you, afraid of something in the environment, or having a seizure. More details would be helpful- do you have any other pets in your home? Does he only shake when you try to get him out of the cage? When does the shaking stop?
A lot of chins will do this when held. For some it is a nervous habit, for others a prey response. Some seem to outgrow it. Just take it slow and easy with your new chin.
It could be anything they listed above. It could also be something as simple as they just dont like being picked up. My first guy is now the most lovable and personable chin ever. But he will shake relay bad if you try to pick him up. He simply dose not like it. Even after a few years.
Pewie started doing that after the 1st day I brought him home. He is now almost 4 months old and still doing that. I just hold him, give him scrinches and assure him everything will be ok. Eventually he stops and is all cuddlie.
I don't have any other pets he is the only one and he shakes when I hold him and after I put him down for a little bit than he snaps out of it and he perfectly fine.