Can your chinnie do tricks?

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
I did not want to name this thread, "stupid pet tricks", cuz chins are NOT
stupid! I'd like to see if any of you have a chin that can do a trick?

All my chins run to the cage bars when they hear me shaking the baggy
that has the rosehips, I guess that's more of being trained than a trick.
While I was spending my nightly routine with CJ in the bathroom, he kept
doing this one trick while on my hand so I quickly videotaped it. Not sure
if it's considered a trick but looks pretty darn close to one. He does it a
couple of times in the first 20 seconds of the clip -

Bentley does hand stands...he has done them multiple times since being here, so I know it wasn't just a one time deal! He will back up to something, then scoot his butt right up and do a handstand for minutes at a time even.

all these little critters should make up a chinnie circus!

gizmo doesnt really do "tricks", but when i tap his bathhouse, he does circles around my feet and stands on his back legs, its pretty cute to see.
Haha Stacie, I was hoping you'd post Bentley's handstand pic! :D
Liuci, two words - videotape it!
Some of you may have seen this video already but I wanted to post it on this thread. :)

Pogo can walk on two legs (even without following my hand, he can now walk up to my face with just saying "walkiee.") He can jump up on my shoulder by saying "up" and pointing to it, my favorite trick he does is to spin, which he will do with a quick hand gesture in front of his face. Gimmee five right now is a hit or miss. I was lucky to get it on film!

wow, Manda, Pogo does some great tricks!

Tink will try to climb up my leg for a treat...but she really doesn't do any tricks
See...I would have to figure out how to do that!

I say, "Do it, Jack!" and put my hand near him. He then grunts at me...jumps up and flips over his ledge. He's getting older and he doesn't really want to move as I should get video documentation of his amazing ability before he becomes a disgruntled old man and refuses to do it anymore. :p
Way too cute. Mine are little houdini's, it's amazing!!! They could be professional escape artists.
So cute, all of them! Kind of off topic, but our dog can do "high fives" and it's adorable... perhaps I'll film it and post it here later. :D