Can white chins have gray on them?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
My little Terrance is about three months old. When I first got him he was all white. Now he seems to be getting a gray triangle of fur on the top of his head/nose. It's hard to tell right now because the new marking are are still very light. I just wasn't sure id this was normal for any organization.
I'm not sure what organization you mean, but yes, it's totally normal for a white to change color as they get older. You can have a completely black chin with just the tip of it's tail white, and by the time they are adults they will be completely white. It's part of the fun of watching a white grow up.

The term for a white in this case is mosaic. :)
Yes, white chins can have grey or beige markings. He may also develop ear freckles as he gets older. Enjoy watching him grow and change :thumbsup: