Can Stress...

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
cause major diarrhea? I took all my chins' poops in to be cultured when I first got up to school, as I do periodically if anything seems up, and they all came back negative. However, two days ago Furby's poop was really, really squishy, like it got everywhere. It had never been THAT mushy. I had JUST cultured the poop so it couldn't have been Giardia, I figured. I gave him some probiotics, a shreddie and a bit of lifeline powder over his food. It seems to have cleared up. Whew. I'm proud of myself Hehee!

Anyway, there was a cat outside the house that Furby was freaking out about so I made it go away, earlier that day. Could that have caused that bout of diarrhea?
Stress can cause loose poos but they should firm up within a day or so as long as the stressor is removed. The probiotics and Lifeline would help speed this up as well. Stress can cause an overgrowth of some of the "bad" bacteria normally kept at bay in the digestive tract, which can lead to softer stools. Replenishing that with probiotics was a good move to get his GI tract back in shape with higher numbers of the "beneficial" bacteria.