Can Not Decide on a Wheel...and one side note.

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Well-known member
May 20, 2011
New Mexico
Ok, can finally afford to get my girls a wheel and I can not decide which one would be best for them...and me. We have a FN142 and would like to minimize noise if possible. We are looking into the silver sauce, flying saucer, and chin spin.

I like the silver sauce for it being all metal, plus it comes in purple ;) It also looks as if it mounts nicely. However, I did note that the size is only 14" and thought that we needed atleast a 15" wheel for a full grown chin...I could be incorrect on this so please correct me if I am wrong.

The chin spin is again nice and it comes in the 15" that I believe we need. Not as pretty but meh who cares about looks so long as the girls are happy?

Lastly the flying saucer is lovely to look at, and, I would assume from the fact that they do not have to arch at all, better for a chins back. However, I am worried that our fuzzballs will not get the hang of how to use it.

So taking into account that we will need to sleep at some point (so noise is an issue) between these 3 which is the better wheel? If you have other suggestions we are open to them as well.

Now that side note that I mentioned. One of our girls, an ebony rescue by the name of Morsel, seems to be distraught. She is throwing the food bowl around the cage and seemingly trying to make as much noise as possible. They have been in their new cage for a week or two now and this has not been an issue up to this point. We plan on securing the food bowl in some manner...probably drilling a hole and adhearing it, with wire or a clamp of some type, to the ring that it sits in, but it seems that there is something off with her. She physically appears healthy and her weight is sitting where it normally does, but she is more clingy than normal and I am baffled. Any ideas?

Thank you for your time!

I couldn't decide either and looked on so many different post on here. Finally ordered a flying saucer (my x-mas present), because I checked on you tube and liked how chins were using them. Also thought it might be more natural for them to run on it and better for their backs.
I only let them run on it for like 10 minutes each night so they don't overdo it, because they are still young (6+8 months). Charlie the 6 months old can't get enough of it, absolutely loves it. ChiChi always falls off, but hopefully he will catch on soon.
As far as noise I am right in front of the cage watching them and can barely hear it.
We have two FN's - both have a flying saucer in them, one also has a CS up top. Never had the Silver Surfer wheels here, so I really can't comment on those, but I don't think either wheel makes a ton of noise in the FN. I want to say the flying saucers are quieter than the CS... but that said... the chins we have in our FNs aren't experts at saucering either, they can't get it going very well. The CS isn't loud by any means, but it does make some noise. The cage doesn't rattle exactly, but there is some noise when they're running on it.

As for the saucers... we have three of them now, and maybe 6 CS's. I prefer the CS's, only because they get more use. We do rescue, so we have different chins in the cages relatively often. More often than not, the saucers are getting used as a poo-dish rather than a wheel. A lot of our chins can't figure them out. That said, we had a 3 year old chin figure one out last year, but that was kind of the exception. Because of the poo-dish effect, one of the FN's is going to be "given" to two of our pet chins that I know can use a saucer, and the rescues will get their old cage.... no sense on the wheel being there going to waste. All that said... every rescue we've had come through that we've put in a cage with a CS has figured out how to run on it. They don't seem to have a problem with that.

As far as the 14"-15" - I've heard that the smallest they can have is a 14", so going with that, then silver surfer wheel would be fine.

Sorry, no thoughts on your girl. Best of luck though.
I have two FN cages, each with a flying saucer wheel. They make little niose. And theyll last an eternity. I also like the fact that their is no arch and a chin can fully extend their body on it. (And my one chin even likes to sleep on it occasionaly lol)

This site sells them. They have up to 'Large' with is an actual diamiter of 15 1/4"

I have one Large and one Standard. I do prefere the large one over the standard. But both can work.
I have a FN182. Right now I am keeping the chins on the top, because I want them to get used to their new environment and also trying to get the rest of my pet's used to the chins. The flying saucer is mounted in the bottom half of the cage, that's how they get limited play time. Not quite sure when I should open up the whole cage to them, because Charlie doesn't stop running on it. After a while he seems out of breath, but I guess he is having to much fun. He can't wait a night when I get them out to explore the bottom.
I have 2 Silver Surfers and a Chin Spin. The Silver Surfer wouldn't mount properly to my CN 162, but mounted fine on the FN 142. Since it wouldn't mount properly, I bought a Chin Spin instead. Both are quiet, but if I had to do it again, I'd go with the Chin Spins.

Regarding the issue with food bowl throwing, she's in a new environment, so she's probably just stressed and redecorating. That's what they do. Once she gets used to you and realizes that her cage is her home, she'll settle down. You can try moving the food bowl to wherever she puts it, as she may just prefer it to be in "this spot" rather than "that spot." In actuality, she's probably calling you a silly human for not reading her mind and knowing these things. :))

Good luck!
So we decided on the surfer, ty all so much!

As for Morsel and her issue....we tried moving it, and are waiting for results now. Have not had a throwing issue yet. Pretty sure wince we have had her for just shy of a year now that she is use to us, perhaps is an issue with getting use to the cage however. We also discovered that she is not the one making all the noise...that credit goes to our baby, Eevee. >.> Little brat getting her sister in trouble.
I don't like the surfer, it was fine for a month and then it got considerably louder than the flying saucer when the run full speed. I should have stuck to the flying saucer....I will have to replace the surfer soon as it is just not made as well.
I have two ferret nation cages and both have the flying saucers, I like that they are all metal and have a large running surface. I simply clean them with a baby wipe and dry them off with dish towel and have had them for several years now. Not a single regret with the purchase of either of them!

I think it all comes down to a personal preference (color, space, price you can afford) but can't comment on the others because I've never owned any of the other ones out there.
Oh my goodness! Well all of my worries about them not using it were in vain. Eevee is in love with her new wheel and the other two like to use it kind of like a swing if that makes any sense. So thank all of oyu again!