Can my nail stamping pay off??!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Some of you know I've recently begun to do nail stamp art on my fingernails. I ordered a set of stamp plates via from a place called Bundle Monster. I got 21 plates for only $18 which is a fantastic deal. Anyway they have a new set of plates coming out the end of the month AND they are having a contest via facebook! I entered the contest using a design I did on Sandilicious' daughter Cassi. I called the design Cassi's Cupcakes.

The contest starts via facebook on April 13th. If you're interested in helping me win a set of the new plates for FREE please go to the Bundle Monster page on facebook and "like" my entry design. It doesn't start until the 13th so if you view the entries now you aren't able to like them.

Here is my design. It's not as fancy as some of the other entries, but I think it's cute and fun!

I think it looks fabulous Laurie! :thumbs: You have the knack and patience to do this and it turns out really good. Cassie's cupcakes stayed on even after the nail polish wore off. She loved it til the very end. I'll definitely vote for you as many times as I can.

Good luck Laurie!
very cute. I have a large box of nail stamps my husband got for me for my birthday. the brand is called Konda. they have cute designs
Sheltie I have konad plates too they are very similar and really fun to use! I urge you to try them. I just posted my design today so hopefully it will show up soon, I'm sure it had to be approved first.
I will check them out. I like to paint my nails because it keeps me from chewing on them

BTW... I love your nails. Since I am a cake decorator its ubber cute!!
Sheltie I found TONS of designs by googling lol! I have a couple of blogs I follow now and I also have some youtube video's I love to watch and subscribe too.

I don't like long nails, I like to keep mine active length. I have to say I've enjoyed doing this a great deal. I just wish I was as good as so many out there lol!

My design is posted now on Bundle Monster on facebook. On the 13th you'll be able to like it and hopefully I'll be getting a new set of plates FREE woot!