Can I do this?

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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
I have 3 chins, 2 are on PRCS and one is on Mazuri. But the one that is on Mazuri has now decided she wants the PRCS. :hair:

She still likes the Mazuri but likes the PRCS too, can I mix them both?
Yup. I use a mix for Axel. I am desperately trying to get him over to PRCS but he still likes Mazuri. I ended up just feeding him a mix and now he eats both.
Yep. Just do it slowly. For the first week, put 3/4 Mazuri and 1/4 of the other. The next week do 1/2 and 1/2, the next week, do 3/4 of the other and 1/4 Mazuri.

ETA: above is if you want to switch her over completely. If you're wanting to use a mix ratio all the time, stop the mix at the percentage you want to use.
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I had to mix feeds for a few years for some older chins, who just wouldn't make up their minds. It is sort of a pain in the butt to have to buy two types of feed. Hopefully she'll make up her mind faster than mine did and you can just buy one type of pellets.
This is the second time Herby has done this to me! The first time was when she was getting Oxbow. Feeding two feeds isn't really a problem, but it would be nice if she would find a feed and stick to it!