Can chinchillas have dried papaya?

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May 28, 2013
My chin goes CRAZY for papaya. I've limited him to about 2-3 pieces per day. I have heard though that they should not have these at all, while I've also heard that it is ok. Can someone please clear this up?! My chinny goes crazy when he just hears the bag rustling that his papaya is in. I'd hate to take his favorite treat away :( but I want him to be healthy. Thanks!
Some will argue that a little wee piece of dried papaya once every week or two is of no harm to a chin.
Most do not give a chin ANY dried fruit whatsoever and stick to safe treats like apple sticks and dried rosehips.
Either way, 2-3 pieces per day is extremely dangerous. Why? Because stomachs of chinchillas are not developed to process sugar the way that the human digestive system is. Because the can not digest it properly, feeding chins sugary treats (like papaya) can lead to serious and painful consequences for the chin, such as bloat and stasis. These consequences (which can be fatal) are not only extremely painful for the chin but extremely costly for your wallet when you take your chin to the vet.
Whether or not your chin likes the papaya does not determine whether or not it is healthy for them to have it and I think that you should stop giving it to your chin immediately. Your chin might sulk for a day or to, but it doesn't matter. Your chin will get over it. Remember also that chins do not need ANY treats at all, they are just for a human psychological benefit and can sometimes be used as a bonding aid.
When determining treats, I like to think about where chins are from and what they would have found in the Andes Mountains. I know they wouldn't have access to tropical fruits. Like Basket said, just because they like them doesn't mean it's good for them. For me the cost of bloat (financially and emotionally) is not worth the risk of feeding fruits, dried or fresh, to my girls.
Tunes has a saying, can't remember it exactly.

Basically it's keep it simple.
Feed, hay, water, apple chewsticks.
Rosehips are a great treat but has no pros and cons to it. So they are fine.

They really don't need anything else.
My chins go CRAZY over shredded wheat. I give them half a piece every few days and they LOVE it. Make sure to get the plain kind though, not frosted or anything. Anyway it's definitely something to try :) I keep a few in a air tight container, and when I get it out I shake it and they all know they are getting a treat and start begging at their doors :) It's the cutest. And definitely a safer way to go than risking the sugars in fruit.
Wow I had no idea! Thank you everyone I will stop immediately! I don't know what I'd do if I hurt him :(
I fed Edgar dried papaya and he got runny poops. It took about three weeks to get his gut right again and we are very thankful it didn't get worse. Now we really only give shredded wheat and that's not even daily. Sticks however are given freely.
I would not give any dried fruit because of the sugar content and not any cereals because many of them turn to sugar inside the body. If I did give a "food treat" it would be a natural rose hip once a week or cuttle bone. I only use "chew" treats that they just chew and not eat, like untreated pine wood blocks or apple branches that have been boiled and baked. Their stomachs are so tiny and I want them to eat what is healthy for them; loose hay, high quality pellets.