Can Chinchillas eat these treats?

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I dont recognize any of those treats but don't actually have a chin yet. I have done a TON of research but nothing compares to experience so take that as a grain of salt.😊 I hope you find the answers you are looking for!
I will say this...I dont think fruits are safe for chins. Especially not fresh. I see papaya and pineapple which neither (to my knowledge) are safe for chins!
I found a new Chinchilla snack provider, very affordable prices too! Although some of the ingredients they sell I haven't heard of before but claim to be edible for Chinchillas and/or Rabbits -

Akebia (Chocolate Vine)
Maypop (fruit and vine) - This is a passionflower I think
Dried Okra pods
Jerusalem Artichoke (flower and stem/twigs)
Honeysuckle vine

Does anyone know if these are safe for Chinchillas?

I'm not sure about the Akebia, the maypop I don't know about the vine but if it's passion fruit then no. Dried okra pods are a no, same with the Jerusalem artichoke.

The honeysuckle on the other hand I have heard is ok, the vine as well as the dried flowers.
Many treats for rabbits (most of them) are not safe for chins. Atleast from that list.


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