Can chinchilla be friendly with others?

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Jun 12, 2011
I've read up that chinchilla's can be a bit territorial, but if I buy a baby chinchilla will I be able to cage it with a baby glider or something of the sort?
No, you cannot. You ONLY ever keep chinchillas with chinchillas. There are no other animals that can be caged with them and, as far as I am concerned, no other animal should be caged with anything but a cagemate of it's own species. Rabbits with rabbits, chins with chins, etc.

Have you done any research into either chins or gliders? If you have, you'll know that their diets are vastly (and dangerously) different, as well as their caging requirements and environment.
I try not to go into things blind, so yes I have researched. I used to own gliders before, and in all honesty their caging and enviroment aren't as different as you apparently think. Now don't think I'm getting cocky or anything, that's not how I'm trying to come off, I know how the internet can confuse things. I did not know that their diets could be dangerous to each other. But hey, that's what 'Chin New Owner Questions' is for, right? To ask and prevent these kinds of things.
Most glider owners I know don't keep their gliders in the same temperature that they keep their chins. The breeders I've met definitely don't - hence the comment about environment. Cage wise, they are also different. Chins enjoy lots of wood ledges and some won't destroy a hammock, while gliders prefer pouches and so on. Every glider I've ever seen is the messiest beast in a cage, so ledges would be nothing but a hassle to keep clean with them. Again going back to my comment about cage requirements.

Diet wise - absolutely. You could never feed a chin what you feed a glider and vice versa.

You might consider reading through the new chin owner section. A lot of your questions will be answered because they've been asked and answered already - definitely the one about caging chins with different species.
I agree. Keeping a chin with another species is a very bad idea. It will probably end with one of the species dying or getting sick or getting attacked.

Gliders with, it won't work. Chinchillas really should have their own cage without any other species being around.