Calling all fellow CRITTER PEOPLE

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
:help:I know everyone has read menageries latest post about how her vet is soaking up a major portion of the care fees for poor little Chilli. This little fuzz butt has touched my heart as everytime I saw her films as prayed "Dear Lord please help her and thank you for the wonderfully healthy fuzz butts that I have" Chilli is now cured and playing happily across Rainbow Bridge with all of our other babies.BUT vet bills still remain. Menagerie helps all of us with Critical Care/chinnie crack and just knowledge and support. We have over 1800 members on this board, if everyone can give just a little, we can help. Anything left over will be used for rescue support. Its a win/win situation!!!!! Just check Menagerie's latest post on sick chinnie and you will find how to donate. I have already pledged, but I think I'm going to pledge somemore in honor of each of my healthy babies.PPPPPPPPPPPPPlease find it in your heart to donate a dollar or so,it will all add up in the end .Bless All of our furry babies and the rescuers who help them!!!!:hug2: