So, moving to the new house required me to take apart all the cages to transport the 450 miles and reassemble. Well, my Niko likes to pee everywhere but where he is supposed to. Wherever he is, he just lets loose. To say the least this is disgusting, but I have just resigned to wiping the shelves with peroxide and an occasional sanding.
The problem now is that the metal of the cage itself have a coating of white smelly crust in some places (I assume calcium from urine). I have washed and scrubbed with vinegar and peroxide which doesn't help. I used a steam cleaner with little effect. I thought about taking the whole **** thing to a car wash and blasting it with high pressure hot water. That is the only thing I can think of- very hot water and very high pressure.
Anyone have any ideas, suggestions? Maybe there is something I can buy at the hardware store that will do the same thing for me at home, I can only imagine the looks of people at the car wash!
The problem now is that the metal of the cage itself have a coating of white smelly crust in some places (I assume calcium from urine). I have washed and scrubbed with vinegar and peroxide which doesn't help. I used a steam cleaner with little effect. I thought about taking the whole **** thing to a car wash and blasting it with high pressure hot water. That is the only thing I can think of- very hot water and very high pressure.
Anyone have any ideas, suggestions? Maybe there is something I can buy at the hardware store that will do the same thing for me at home, I can only imagine the looks of people at the car wash!