Cagemates fighting suddenly

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New member
Jun 5, 2013

Two yars ago i bought two male chins from a breader. They always lived together since birth. Mickey was 3 months and Balou was 5 months.
Never had problems untill, three months ago when, out of the blue, Balou starting bitting Mickey's ear very badly. I brought them toghether to vet who advised me to have them castrated and so i did.
Everything seemed solved untill this moring, when i found Mickey very baddly bitten (same ear) and blood over hes fur.
I separated them immediatelly and brought Mickey to the vet. He will need to have surgery and will return home tomorow. I installed Balou in another cage.
Please help me with the following questions:
Should have them separated?
Which of them should i change to another cage?
What did this happen?

Thank you in advance.
Any two chins can decide they don't like each other, any more, at any time, for no apparent reason. They should never be housed together again. It doesn't matter what cages they go in, as long as they are seperated.
Unfortunately, for the sake of Mickey's life, you need to house them separately, permanently. Be thankful you were given clear warning signs rather than ending up with a dead chin.
Keep them separated - it doesn't matter who is in which cage, and it is impossible to say why they started to fight. What's important is that they are safe!
Thank you all for the replys. Thinking it through, Balou starting behaving this way after i got a female Labrador. Could this have any influence?