Cage Renovations!

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
  • Start date
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I made some serious cage renovations today. Well not really, I "Installed" tile in Burrito's cage on both floors. I just thought that I would share.:)



Top Floor


Burrito's Point of View


I like the tile. The cage looks awesome. I'd find a way to get rid of the ramps if possible though, too many stories of chins getting their little feet stuck in them.
thats a great idea. does ur chin ever accidently pee on the tile? i guess that wouldn't be the end of the world anyways. good idea for how to potty train!
thats a great idea. does ur chin ever accidently pee on the tile? i guess that wouldn't be the end of the world anyways. good idea for how to potty train!

YES lol. I left some bedding so she would go on it but she still pees on the tile sometimes, she would go to the tiled corner and pee.:hair: She was alawys peeing in the corner with bedding but then switched to annoy me! So now I took out one of the tiles at the back and centered it so she has 2 corners with bedding to pee on. There are less "accidents" now.:)
does he old pee where there is the shavings?

Ive tried does carefresh in places they most often pee... but then i find they pee pretty much wherever lol
I have done that in Macys cage too. He seems to like it :) Very cute chinchilla!

Oh, and I also made him a cardboard house just like his, lol!

Can't your chinnie jump up to that level without the help of a ramp? Chins really love to jump, I used to have ramps but figured it was making him lazy(ier), haha.
Looks good!!

I tiled all of My Ferret Nations a few months back but with this many cages & this many poops, it eventually got too messy in the "cracks" so I took them out, BUT I would LOVE to find a way to have a grouted removable tile floor that wouldn't weigh so much...