cage question

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Jun 12, 2012
My little Gracie has been living in a large homemade cage. I have decided to change to a metal cage. I have researched, but can't decide on the Ferret Nation or the Critter Nation. From what I've read, the bar spacing is more appropriate on the CN, but the FN is sturdier. If the bottom is going to be covered, does the spacing make any difference? Input would be appreciated. :hmm:
i dont know about the spacing but i have a critter nation cage and i am very happy with it it is a very sturdy cage i have lots of shelves tubes and a chin spin in there it is a very good cage i even bought the add on unit last week so my cage is 3 cages high its not wobbly or anything :)
CRITTER NATION. It's decently sturdy and I don't have to worry about little escapees!! Haha, I would go with the CN because even though its more expensive, it is well worth it.
I have the Ferret Nation and I love it. I'm not worried about escapes because I've never had baby chins (which are the only ones capable of squeezing through those bars!). I've read that others have experienced bars breaking on the CN over time, but not having one I can't say how frequently that might happen.

I've always been extremely happy with my FN, but I don't think you can really go wrong with either of them :)
Thanks for the input! I actually ordered a FN before I saw your replies! Lol. I got a really good price on I have no intention of breeding, so hopefully the bars will be ok for my chubby girl!
I have used both the CN and the FN. I think they are both really good cages, deffinatly get bigger pans for the bottoms!
A CN is sturdy enough if you don't plan to move it. Moving it around it's quite wobbly and it slides apart. Someone else had a major problem with it because they had to take it over a small step frequently and it would slide apart. The FN bolts together instead of snap and slide so it doesn't come apart or wobble when you shove it around. It is much easier to transport a CN because you just pop it apart and fit the puzzle pieces in your vehicle without any tools. The FN requires tools to get it apart and back together.
I was just asking a similar question before I saw this. If the FN is sturdier would you say it is quieter than the CN??

My chin will only be about 12w old when we get him/her - is that ok for the FN?
The newer FN model doesn't require tools either. The 181/182 model. It isn't easy to put together because the pieces have to fit like a puzzle - you will definitely need to hammer some of them in place, but it is very sturdy in my opinion. I move mine from room to room sometimes. If I am having a guest, I move the cage into our room instead of in with the guest and it has to go over a bump into the hallway and another bump into our room & it is fine even with my chin inside.
My new FN has arrived! I will let you know how assembly goes. I will probably be posting additional questions as I put it together. One immediate question, do you guys have trouble with poop and hay being thrown everywhere? The cage she is in now is huge, but was homemade by my husband, and has wooden sides.