Cage Help?

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New member
Feb 13, 2011

I'm new to this forum, and hope to get a chinchilla quite soon. So, I have done all my research, except I am still habing trouble with one thing. The cage. I was wondering if this cage were appropriate.

I know the dimensions are fine, but it looks slightly flimsy, so I was just curious. Also, I was wondering, are there any distinct advantages of boys or girls? Does one gender do better than the other in groups? Is this cage large enough for 3 chinchillas or just 2? Lastly, do you guys think Donald and Franklin are good names for chinchillas?

Thanks in Advance,
Hi and welcome to the forum! I (and I think many people on here) would suggest the Ferret Nation 142 model:

For the extra $47, you get a large sturdy cage that will last years and years. You will have to remove the plastic ledges and wire ramps though because they are unsafe for chinchillas. You can look here for some ideas of how people makeover their cages:

I think the difference between the male and females are that for males, you have to check their penises for hair rings and females have the ability to spray urine if they are irritated. I think the cage is definitely big enough for 3 chinchillas. I just put my FN142 together last night and it's very spacious and built to last. :)
As a relative noob ourselves, I gave in and bought the FN 142. (After having bought cheaper store cages)

You will not be disappointed! The cage wires are of heavy gage steel, and the majority of the cage is finished in a real nice Grey tone color (enamel or powder coat paint I'm not sure) Its pretty heavy duty and has real solid construction. I believe it weighs in at about 95-100lbs. Cleaning is a breeze so far because it has wheels (with locking casters) so we can easily sweep up underneath. The lower storage shelf is great for supplies (just be sure its stuff the chins can't get a hold of if they go out the cage to play.) As far as pans go, mine came with the newer anti spill pans* and with the fleece ramp covers*.. I am lucky so far that our chins do not seem to have an interest in chewing plastic.

Here is ours just minutes after I assembled it.

Of course its all 'spartan' and such, but it gets the point across. :thumbsup:(its a NICE cage!)

We have removed two of the ramps, but left the one that goes from the lower level to the upper level.

The FN142 cage was a real good deal at $200. Now at $156.35, its really a SUPER deal.

*I just ordered a second one, my first was from Petsmart and I paid $230 + tax for. So I do not know if the Amazon one come with the new anti-spill pans or the fleece ramp covers.

LOL Your names will be fine. I saw someone here I believe with a name like "Handbag" or something. (I found it very humourous). :rofl:
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I agree with Sdo, but have something to add. Females tend to be cagemates to other females more easily than males. If you're wanting to get 2 males, try to get them from the same litter or the same breeder that's had them weaned together. This gives them a better chance of being able to be cagemates, but it does not mean there won't be some arguing between them, or that they will grow out of the bond and have to be separated.

Edit: Commenting on what Broderp said, you should not leave the plastic in the cage. It only takes a moment for them to chew and ingest the plastic. It's better to be safe than sorry. If you had had them for a while and then moved them into plastic, it would be one thing. But you can't watch them 24/7 to know they won't. For the FN, most people either put the trays on top of the wire bottom and middle, or use fleece liners. You can also not build the cage with the middle platform and just put lots of wooden shelves in it.
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LOL Your names will be fine. I saw someone here I believe with a name like "Handbag" or something. (I found it very humourous). :rofl:

You'd better watch out! Handbag has a fan club that may come after you!!!!

I also vote for the Ferret Nation 142. I decided to go with a cheaper cage at first but the bars started snapping off after a year. Chins hopping on shelves can put a cage through a lot of abuse and you definitely want something sturdy.
I have had chinchillas for just over a year and love my FNs. I have two because my boys would not get along and I didn't want to split our first although I could have.

I can't comment on introducing chinchillas because I have to admit that Oscar is a romeo and Edgar is a spazz. They really didn't show any signs of being able to get along until they both had their own FN and I'm still chicken to let them play together.

I also wouldn't let spraying deter you from getting a girl. Most girls don't spray and there are things they do to let you know that they are upset before they do. I've been to my breeders twice and two shows. Even at the show where they were being combed and upset I've never seen a girl spray so now it seem a silly reason for not getting girls instead.
I'm voting for the FN 142 as well. I've had Watson for 5 months or so and the first 2 cages I got were cheap both in price and in quality, if I had bought the FN from the get go I would have saved plenty of money!
Thanks for all the help, I've seen the FN before, but didn't realize it was that cheap! I was thinking it was around $250! DO you think PetSmart would price match that one? If so, I could get it cheap enough to fit my budget. Also, what was the thing about names? Was it my name that's so interesting? Or did I miss something?
