Caboose... again.

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That is alot of gas, I would be wanting propulsid along with the reglan and I would want something for pain relief, such as metecam and tramadol. That amount of gas would be a 24/7 issue as far as treatment goes.
we got ahold of some exotics specialist in a university in Denver, he says it looks to him like her abdomen is full of food, a common thing, and he seriously doubts she has pyometra because of her age. Does this guy know what he's talking about? I know of no other reason stuff with white blood cells would be pouring out of her genitals....
The x-ray looks like gas to me, it looked like gas to your other vet who actually saw the chin and saw the discharge, not sure what that vet is seeing, JMO since I am not a vet.
I can't see any other explanation for her behavior. He thinks territorial, but she get angry and scared randomly outside the cage as well. And looking at pictures of other sick chins, she looks like them in the face (expression, and also kinda hunched) and she doesn't behave normally a lot.
Just putting in an update. We don't have two cages, we'd separated my current one for Caboose but since she was so ill and stressed we moved her... to a dog crate. Bleh. We're going to get supplies to build her a cage ourselves when we can, but until then it'll have to do. She hasn't been chewing on the plastic and she's right in front of the a/c cooler, I also built a second level out of wood for her.

Her poo is now normal chinchilla sized and slightly moist and squoshy, so her GI must be back under control. She still acts like she is in pain though, and I am very, very worried about pyo, but not sure how we can check for it short of doing an exploratory because she's had so many xrays in so short of a time. Would an ultrasound work?
When was the last time this chin actually went to the vet, what was said and what was prescribed? Was there not any pain meds prescribed?
I am very, very worried about pyo, but not sure how we can check for it short of doing an exploratory because she's had so many xrays in so short of a time. Would an ultrasound work?

Can a chin live with untreated pyometra for this long? In all the cases I've heard of it is caught and treated early, or the chins pass away shortly after displaying symptoms.
I believe the chin has been on baytril for a URI, if so then the infection could be being kept at bay but not cured.
That's what I've been thinking. She's getting baytril twice a day until I can get another vet visit. I'm not sure why she showed symptoms so early, but she's always been very expressive and not typical with chin behavior.