I was running on the late side this morning. I had just enough time scrape my car and let in warm up before heading to class. Since I'm going to be out until late tonight I decided to throw Lady an extra handful of hay. It was dark and I thought she was sleeping in her tube (per the usual) so I opened the bottom door and stuck my arm in. SUPRISE she was in her hidey-house! She jumped out of it and was out the door before I knew what had happened. So there she is doing laps, wall surfing and popcorning around the living room. I'm trying to shoo her back home but she just won't go. I was bundled up tighter then the kid from 'Christmas Story' and it's hard to chase a chin when you can't move your arms all that well. So I pealed off all the outer layers and headed to get the dust jar. I come back into the main room and where is Lady? Sitting in her cage looking as sweet as can be. I closed the cage up, re-bundled, and proceeded to be late for class... Darn Chinchilla! I didn't take this picture today, but stories aren't good with out a photo, and this is a very similar look to the one I was getting as I FINALLY left. :impatient: Needless to say I wasn't amused.