Burnt toast question

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
So my new little dude's poo is soft and I always read about burnt toast helping.............so how burnt?? Real dark brown and not soft at all OR brown and a little soft on the inside. Oh and how much, like a 1/4 of a piece of toast (if you cut it in 4 squares) or even smaller? Oh and how often.
No, you want burnt burnt, like burnt all the way through. Idea is that it's burned so much that it's the carbon left. And I think like an 1" square is sufficient at once.
Although the one time I tried this, Chibi would not eat it. So I gave shreddies instead
i gave him 1/2 a shredded wheat last night & today but then I started thinking that shredded wheat is fiber and if he wasnt used to fiber that it might cause even looser stool, so i thought i would try the burnt toast.
also if anyone else has any suggestions that would be great!
also i noticed a little mucus (very little, like a pinhead size), should i try gas drops? or just leave him be for a couple days. He just came to me last night from the rescue so I know it takes a bit of time........I guess I am just trying to plan ahead.
Fiber firms up the poop, not loosens it, that's the point of giving fiber. That's why it's suggested for humans and intestinal health.
I've heard that people have had a better result with activated charcoal, but I'm not sure of the proper amount to give, so I can't advise you on that.
Activated charcoal is faster and more effective than either burned toast or shredded wheat.
Burned toast is full of carcinogens. I use activated charcoal, which you can get at any health food store and most pharmacies.
health food store??
i have charco caps, which are homeopathic, i wonder if i can open up a capsule and mix it in the lifeline paste that i made for him??

i have the pink box, but i see they make a yellow box that is just activated charchol

edit: we posted at the same time. i will hit up the heath food store tomorrow
I use activated charcoal - some of mine like to try to roll in it, because it is dusty, but it is effective and doesn't make your house stink like burning toast does! :)
I just read this. I am assuming they have firmed up by now? I would just use some acidophilus sprinkled on the food and hay. Poor guy is probably just stressed, he's been bounced around in a few days. Keep me updated on how he is :)
I give my girls an activated charcoal tablet if their poops are a little soft. Just one tablet each (they're not capsules and are not coated in any film...literally just pressed charcoal).
That usually works and I see an improvement quite quickly. The chins love them too....actually beg for them when they see the jar being opened!! My silly girls!!
lemon--yes they firmed up nice. i just mixed a little lifeline with a smidge of critcal care and fed him off a spoon plus gave him 1/2 a shredded wheat 2 times a day.
they are still a little bigger than my other two but nice and dry and plentiful.
he is a real sweetie.
hehe isn't he? I only met him once for a few hours but he had such a cute face and likes the scritches. I think he will turn into a blocky lookin cutie pie when he gains weight. Can't wait to see pics in the future :D